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Helping a Loved One with Alcoholism

husband with alcoholism

Discover effective strategies to support someone struggling with alcoholism in this comprehensive blog. Learn about communication, emotional support, treatment options, boundaries, and self-care.

Can Alcohol Rehab Work For Me?

Alcohol rehab is an incredibly helpful lifeline to individuals suffering from an alcohol dependence. Assessing your alcohol intake and dependency is required to determine your particular level of alcohol abuse. The lines are often very blurred between alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction, but what’s important to note is that they are both centered around problem drinking.

How to Celebrate Graduating from Treatment

Graduating from a rehabilitation facility is an exciting event and should be celebrated in grand fashion. We make a big deal of every milestone – from receiving our driver’s license, to moving into our first apartment, to our work anniversaries. Recovering from addiction is no exception – and it takes much more hard work than […]

Alcohol and Breast Cancer: Study Reveals New Link

Doctors have noted five medical conditions that are of great concern to women: heart disease, breast cancer, osteoporosis, depression and autoimmune diseases. Scientific research has identified particular risk factors for each disease, which helps inform women about steps they can take to protect themselves. Among the major health concerns they’re facing, breast cancer may be […]

Living with Alcoholism: Is Controlled Drinking Possible?

Alcoholism is more than just a drinking problem. The condition is marked by symptoms that include compulsive thoughts about drinking, distorted thinking and a lack of control over alcohol consumption. The general consensus on alcoholism is that affected people are unable to return to a problem-free level of drinking, and treatment programs typically focus on […]

Do You Need Alcohol Rehab for Women?

Alcohol rehab for women is an area of recovery that does not get the mainstream media attention of illicit drug treatment specialties and other narcotic addictions due to the legality of alcohol not to mention its widespread availability and acceptance. This often lends itself to the false impression that alcohol is not as habit forming […]

Dependence vs. Addiction: What’s the Difference?

Differentiating between a physical dependence on a substance and an addiction helps determine the best way to handle a loved one’s substance abuse. In some cases, a loved one does not actually abuse drugs or alcohol due to an addiction; instead, her body craves the substance or she abuses the drugs due to the physical […]

What is Alcoholism Treatment?

Alcohol treatment is the process of detoxification and rehabilitation for those who are addicted to alcohol or who abuse it. Alcoholism rates are unfortunately quite high in the United States, due in part to the fact that alcohol is a commonly available addictive substance. The fine line between proper consumption and substance abuse is all […]

The Basics of an Alcohol Rehab Center

Alcohol rehab center programs are designed to give you the best, tried-and-true treatment methods and services in a safe, comfortable and encouraging environment. The typical day at the alcohol rehab center begins early to encourage active living and consists of a number of treatment or recovery-beneficial activities, in addition to time for rest and relaxation […]