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What Happens at Women’s Drug Rehab

Women’s drug rehab can get your life to a healthier and more stable place on the journey of recovery. If you have a drug abuse and addiction problem, you may be wondering just what exactly happens at women’s drug rehab centers. This guide gives you the breakdown of what to expect as far as treatment […]

What is Women’s Drug Rehab?

Women’s drug rehab is a gender-specific substance abuse and addiction rehabilitation program designed to give female clients the best, most specific treatment available. Women’s drug rehab has several unique benefits for women as compared to mixed-gender rehabilitation programs for female clients. It’s a highly personalized program designed to focus on the key differences between men […]

Happy Thanksgiving from Women’s Drug Rehab

Women’s drug rehab wishes you a very happy, very safe and sober Thanksgiving 2013. Remember that addiction takes no time off so remain strong in your programs to get through the holiday season successfully and safely. Thanksgiving Challenges Thanksgiving, along with other major holidays, presents a challenging situation for clients in recovery. Though the holiday […]

Moments of Clarity in Women’s Drug Rehab

Women’s drug rehab can bring many moments of clarity to treatment program participants. If you are active in your treatment programs and truly want to recover, you may experience breakthroughs during treatment, which then serve as the stepping stones to recovery. These moments of clarity can give you the tools you need to lead successful […]

5 Women’s Drug Rehab Secrets

Women’s drug rehab programs include therapy treatments that are tailored to the differences in women biologically, psychologically and in their roles in society. These five secrets of women’s drug rehab programs can help you adapt well and progress towards success. Women’s drug rehab clients are just like you. Understanding this can help you know that […]

10 tips for overcoming addiction from drug abuse program graduates

A drug abuse program or overcoming your addiction may sound impossible to you right now. However, there are many resources available to help you! Here are 10 tips to help you walk through the best journey you will ever choose to take, we hope you follow through with them and achieve a successful path to […]

Learn about Drug Rehab for Women

An alcohol and drug rehab for women can mean a new beginning. Women who go through an alcohol and drug rehab program are given a chance to live a new life in recovery better than the one they have been living while suffering from an addiction. Destination Hope: The Women’s Program understands that potential lies […]

Resolved to Overcome Addiction? Learn about Substance Abuse Treatment

Substance abuse treatment can be a scary thought, but continuing to live under the thumb of your addiction is even scarier.  Many women resolve to overcome their addiction each year.  With hard work and dedication, thousands are successful and by year end many will be living the sober, healthy and productive lives they’ve dreamed about. […]

5 Wonderful Things You Can Accomplish In 2013 From Women’s Drug Rehab

Women’s drug rehab centers are places for hope, especially around the New Year. Many women set goals for themselves in 2013, and if you’re thinking about doing the same, we’ve put together our ABCs for 2013. 2013 Goals From Women’s Drug Rehab A. ACCEPT needing help and accept help offered. Simply entering a women’s drug […]

Great Gift Ideas For Those in Recovery From Substance & Alcohol Abuse

Substance and alcohol abuse can rob you of your life.  Rebuilding after drug and alcohol abuse treatment can be a long but rewarding journey.  Holiday gift time can be a bit awkward when you are trying to rebuild your nest egg after substance and alcohol abuse, especially if your family members like to give big […]