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Addiction Research

Is Suboxone Addictive?

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a combination of medication and behavioral therapy is the most effective way to treat addiction, and this

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Is Addiction Genetic?

Is addiction genetic? Whether you develop an addiction as the result of abusing drugs or alcohol is determined partly by genetics and partly by environmental

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Understanding Addiction as a Chronic Disease

Appropriate treatment at an addiction treatment center can lead to long-term recovery by addressing each of these aspects of the disease. Just as other chronic illnesses can be successfully managed, addiction, too, can be overcome so that the addict can enjoy improved health and substantially improved quality of life.

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Which Costs More: Treatment or Addiction?

Helping your loved one get the help he needs to beat a drug or alcohol addiction can transform his life and restore a promising future. While drug or alcohol treatment can be expensive, most insurance policies cover at least part of the cost of rehab,

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Am I Addicted, and Do I Really Need Treatment?

Seeking professional help for a substance addiction is the first step to recovery, and it’s often the hardest. You may fear that life will be cumbersome and dull without drugs or alcohol, or you may have doubts about whether treatment can really work for you.

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Compulsive vs. Impulsive Behaviors

Generally, a loved one shows compulsive drug-seeking behavior when he develops an addiction; however, initial substance abuse might stem from impulsive behaviors rather than a compulsion. Recognizing the differences between these behaviors help determine the best solution to help a loved one with their substance abuse. – See more at:

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What Is the Disease Theory of Alcoholism?

Following the end of World War II, health professionals and scientists postulated the mechanisms behind alcoholism. Today, their findings and models have been refined and adapted into the Disease Theory of Alcoholism and is widely used to educate people on how addiction affects the brain. – See more at:

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