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The Link Between Addiction and Trauma

Addiction and trauma often go hand in hand creating a complex web of psychological and physiological challenges for those affected

Addiction and trauma often go hand in hand, creating a complex web of psychological and physiological challenges for those affected. At Destination Hope, we recognize the critical importance of addressing both issues simultaneously to achieve lasting recovery. This article explores the intricate relationship between traumatic experiences and substance use disorders, shedding light on the mechanisms […]

Why Mindfulness Works in Recovery

We live in an age where the world seems to be zipping by, and sometimes, it can seem like we are being left behind. We start to believe the messaging of famous sayings like FOMO (fear of missing out) and the non-stop barrage of social media memes shouting that amazing things are happening without us. […]

Meth Use – Signs, Symptoms & Things to Know

Crystal meth, widely known on the street as methamphetamine, meth, chalk, ice, and crystal, is a highly addictive stimulant belonging to the amphetamine class of drugs. It’s sold illicitly as a white, crystalline powder that’s bitter-tasting and odorless. Amphetamines were first developed in 19th Century Germany and evolved into methamphetamines in Japan in 1919. During […]

How Common Is Addiction?

We hear heartbreaking stories of addiction, overdose and relapse virtually every day. In most cases, these stories relate to celebrities or otherwise well-known people that have succumbed to the disease. Alternately, we hear of truly shocking behaviors that happened under the influence. Sadly, the day-to-day stories about addiction are too many to cover and have, […]

When Does Substance Abuse Become Addiction?

When evaluating the statistics on substance use, whether it be alcohol, drugs or any other illicit or legal substance that has addictive properties, it can be shocking to see how many people use on a regular basis. And while substance use is certainly a precursor to substance abuse, not everybody who uses, ends up abusing. […]

Does Evidence-Based Therapy Work?

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, evidence-based therapy approaches are treatment programs that have been scholarly or scientifically researched and replicated by more than one study for proven effectiveness.1 These types of therapy approaches are used to help make treatment work more effectively for patients, whether or not it’s used in conjunction with […]

The Evolution of Addiction and Treatment Through the Ages

The consumption of alcohol, opioids, cannabis and cocaine have roots in ancient history. The Bible references Noah’s drinking habits and intoxication, and the use of opium in Syria in the 7th century B.C. is well-documented in ancient medical texts. Ancient Incas living in the Andes three thousand years before Christ chewed coca leaves to counter […]

Parents with Substance Abuse Problems: Effects on Children

Drug addiction doesn’t just affect individuals; it affects the entire family unit. Children can experience a variety of impairments as a result of their parent’s addiction, some of which can last for a lifetime. Getting these children back on a track of normal development often requires a multi-disciplined approach to their welfare. Parents who are […]