Happy Thanksgiving from Women’s Drug Rehab
Women’s drug rehab wishes you a very happy, very safe and sober Thanksgiving 2013. Remember that addiction takes no time off so remain strong in your programs to get through the holiday season successfully and safely. Thanksgiving Challenges Thanksgiving, along with other major holidays, presents a challenging situation for clients in recovery. Though the holiday […]
How Much Does Alcoholism Treatment Cost?
Alcoholism treatment is something some people suffering from alcoholism avoid due to their worries of the financial costs for treatment. However, keep in mind that this big decision is not just for the here and now – it’s an investment for a life of clean and recovered living. In fact, alcoholism treatment can actually save […]
Moments of Clarity in Women’s Drug Rehab
Women’s drug rehab can bring many moments of clarity to treatment program participants. If you are active in your treatment programs and truly want to recover, you may experience breakthroughs during treatment, which then serve as the stepping stones to recovery. These moments of clarity can give you the tools you need to lead successful […]
Is Alcohol Rehab for Women Covered By Insurance?
Alcohol rehab for women is covered by insurance, which can make a difference to those hesitating to join treatment programs due to cost concerns. Cost is one of the primary reasons that people who need addiction treatment don’t seek it. By offering rehab that is covered by insurance, we hope that more people will get […]
Do I Need Mental Health Treatment?
Mental health treatment is necessary for the many women suffering from common mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Do you need mental health treatment? Here are some signs and symptoms of common mental health disorders. Anxiety Symptoms You may need mental health treatment for anxiety if… You have fears […]
Beating Anxiety and Addiction over the Holidays
Anxiety and addiction can be especially difficult when the holiday season comes around. The holidays are a time for joyous celebrations, but they’re also associated with overindulging party guests, loneliness, stress from family gatherings and other such common woes. This is a difficult time of year but you can get through it successfully by minding […]
Outpatient Alcohol Treatment & Working Parents
Outpatient Alcohol Treatment could be your second step after spending time at a residential inpatient alcohol treatment program. Perhaps it is your first venture into treatment. Whatever the case, make the best of your time in an outpatient alcohol treatment program by balancing recovery with your family and job, keeping in mind that your recovery […]
Fort Lauderdale Rehab Prepares You For a Sober Holiday Season
Fort Lauderdale rehab is getting ready for the holidays, and that means helping you prepare for them as well. Staying sober during the holiday season can be a challenge, but it is achievable. Have a solid relapse prevention plan in place and take some time to think through how you would like to approach the […]
Signs of Alcoholism in Women
Alcoholism in women is a growing problem in America. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reports that approximately 5.3 million women in the US drink in a way that threatens their health. There is no surefire way to tell if a woman is dealing with alcoholism, but there are certain signs and symptoms […]
About Alcoholism in Women
Alcoholism in women is a problem that until recently was not very accurately studied. In the past, studies on alcohol abuse were primarily conducted with male subjects. As the need for specific information on alcoholism in women became apparent, more studies were done on the effects of alcohol on females and the differences between the […]