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Outpatient Alcohol Treatment & Working Parents

Table of Contents

Outpatient Alcohol Treatment could be your second step after spending time at a residential inpatient alcohol treatment program. Perhaps it is your first venture into treatment. Whatever the case, make the best of your time in an outpatient alcohol treatment program by balancing recovery with your family and job, keeping in mind that your recovery is the number one priority at this point in time.

An Outpatient Alcohol Treatment Program

While you’re participating in an outpatient alcohol treatment program, you have the benefit of being able to go to work every day and spending time at home with your family. Just keep in mind that your sobriety is the number one priority, no matter where you are.

In your outpatient alcohol treatment program, you may spend a lot of time in counseling to work on the central causes of your alcoholism. The counseling methods should include such strategies as cognitive behavioral therapy, one-on-one therapy sessions, group therapy and family therapy. Education, life goals and lifestyle considerations should also be addressed along with such topics as health and nutrition.

Strategies for Success

Simply showing up to your outpatient alcohol treatment program isn’t enough. Be sure that you’re truly dedicated to recovery and that you’re committed to the program.

Stay an active participant in the program and continue with what you’ve taken away from your outpatient alcohol treatment program when you get home or to work afterwards. It isn’t good enough to simply learn; putting things into action is part of the process as well.

See also  How to Get Help For Alcoholism and Abuse

Balancing Recovery, Family & Work

While it’s wonderful that you may still go to work and spend time with your family, don’t forget that recovery must be your number one priority. It isn’t selfish at all. Just think about how you were when you were not in treatment. It won’t do you, your family or your workplace any good for you to be like that again or worse. Visualize this to truly understand why recovery must be number one on your agenda.

It may be difficult for your family, especially children, to understand your needs but the best thing you can do is sit them down to have a serious, open and honest conversation about what alcoholism is. Explain why you need to attend your outpatient alcohol treatment program and why your recovery has to come first at this time. Share the benefits of a recovered mother to them so your children can see the bigger picture and how it will improve everyone’s life – not just yours.

If your workplace is too demanding or too much of a high stress environment, it may be a good idea to consider being honest with your employer so you can find ways to lower the intensity of the job. Your health and balance will contribute to your production at work immediately as well as in the long run.

If you or a woman you love is having problems with drug abuse, alcohol dependency and mental illness, women’s drug rehab may be the answer.  Remember that recovery from addiction and alcohol abuse treatment means learning how to cope with intensely emotional situations, and identifying when you need help and support.  Treatment for addiction relapse, counseling, and aftercare can help you do this, so please call us today.  Destination Hope is a full service addiction and women’s health treatment facility in Florida for women who suffer from substance abuse and behavioral health issues.

See also  Why It Is Dangerous To Drink Alcohol While Pregnant

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