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Six Ways to Stay Sober While Traveling

Temptation is all around us; it’s just a fact of life. However, when traveling, it can be even harder to resist. This can be for several reasons. First, it seems that the opportunities to drink or abuse substances are more plentiful in your travels. Second, the stress of travel increases the likelihood of making a […]

Cocaine & Other Drug Effects on Your Eyes

Addiction and drug abuse effect all parts of the human body. Each month we’ve been highlighting the impact on different body system. This month we’re going to discuss the impact on your eyesight and vision.

Eyesight is not something we generally think of when we’re thinking of the damage caused by addiction and drug abuse. Instead we think of the live, heart or lungs, major body systems which often show sign of abuse in serious physical ways.

Addiction Within the Veteran Community

November 11th marks Veteran’s Day in the United States. Veteran’s Day exists to honor those that have put their lives on the line to defend our freedoms. Many veterans have sacrificed and continue to sacrifice a great deal throughout their life and may have seen things that should never be seen by anyone. These experiences […]

October – National Substance Abuse Prevention Month

Beginning in 2011, October became National Substance Abuse Prevention Month. This is a month dedicated to raising awareness about substance abuse and a call to action for prevention. Substance abuse has effects on both an individual level as well as a community level – giving us plenty of reason to stay informed and do our […]

Elizabeth Holmes and Her Potential Trial Defense Involving Intimate Partner Abuse

Elizabeth Holmes’ rise to fame and fall to infamy was spectacular in many ways. The youngest self-made female billionaire according to Forbes – a media darling – was soon after charged with defrauding patients and investors alike by covering up issues with what was thought-to-be a transformational technology. Shortly, Ms. Holmes will be going on […]

A Significant Number of Adults with ADHD May Struggle with Substance Abuse

ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be a debilitating mental illness. It is estimated that upwards of 5% of adults suffer from ADHD, which can manifest as difficulty concentrating, organizing, hitting deadlines, and following directions. ADHD often occurs in children, but up to 60% of these kids do not outgrow it in adulthood. ADHD […]

 Darren’s Story of Addiction and Triumph

My story began as a child witnessing what I thought were the best parts of life. Up late on weekends, little supervision, and get to hang out with grown-ups. My parents were young when they had me and as an only child, I got to see a lot of stuff. Growing up we weren’t poor, I […]

Substance Abuse: America’s Problem

Substance abuse overdose is epidemic in our society. Statistics show that in 2019 over 7 million adolescents between the ages of 12 and 20 reported that they drank more than a sip of alcohol in the previous month. 20% of seniors in high school report they have taken prescription drugs that were not prescribed to them. […]

The ABCs of Choosing a Treatment Plan

Admitting you have a substance abuse problem and seeking treatment takes courage. The ideal treatment option depends on your age, physiology, medical history, and whether you have other pre-existing mental or physical health conditions. Before treatment, you should understand the ABCs of choosing a treatment plan, plus what to expect from your clinician and from yourself. The […]

Stress Management at The Front Lines of Medicine

Stress management is an important issue in our modern world, and some occupations are more acutely associated with stress than others. First responders like our EMTs nurses and doctors, especially with the current COVID-19 crisis, face enormous levels of stress daily. Without optimum stress management, these frontline medical professionals are vulnerable to the effects of […]