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Can Xanax Make Anxiety Worse?

Anxiety spelled out in scrabble letters

Discover the unexpected effects of Xanax as we explore the question, “Can Xanax make anxiety worse?” Unravel the concept of paradoxical reactions to this medication and understand the potential causes behind increased anxiety.

From Bad to Worse: 5 Reasons Why Snorting Pills is Harmful

We’ve all seen the image of the rolled-up dollar bill and a line of white powder disappearing through it. Whether in film, on TV, or in real life, the image is unmistakable – the cut line and the trail of cocaine. And though cocaine can be abused in its various forms, snorting it is perhaps […]

Women and Prescription Drug Abuse

When thinking about drug addiction, many of us have an unrealistic image of the problem and those affected. We often assume it involves only the hard stuff, like heroin or crack. We imagine someone suffering from addiction will look disheveled and unkempt and will commit crimes to sustain a desperate habit. While such descriptions may […]

Is Prescription Drug Abuse Ever Going to End?

Prescription drug abuse has become quite an unfortunate epidemic in past years and continues to grow. The reasons it has been able to reach such a level is due to the fact that there are so many people with proper prescriptions who actually have a need for the use of medications such as painkillers for their chronic conditions. Sometimes it may seem like the epidemic is going to rise continually without ever reaching an end.

Drug Rehab in Florida Discusses Myths about Prescription Drug Addiction

Drug rehab in Florida shares and dispels the popular myths surrounding prescription drug addiction. Be aware of the real prescription drug addiction facts to get a true understanding of how prescription drugs affect the body and mind, how they become addictive, what the warning signs of prescription drug addiction are and more.

Is Painkiller Addiction Among Women an Epidemic?

Painkiller addiction continues to rise among the female population at an alarming rate. This includes the increase of death rates among women abusing prescription drugs. Why does this happen and what can we do about it?

How Do I Know if I Have a Painkiller Addiction?

Painkiller addiction can be brought on for several reasons. This all-too-common addiction can be brought on by physical addiction to pain relief. Anyone who has been prescribed painkillers is also susceptible to painkiller addiction if they do not take the medication as prescribed or if it is improperly prescribed (i.e. too many refills over a […]

Why is Painkiller Addiction the Fastest-Growing Problem in the U.S.?

Painkiller addiction is the fastest-growing problem in the United States for several reasons. This type of addiction can happen to anyone, and the problem should be addressed as early as possible. Addiction to painkillers can be defeated and treatment solutions do work. Painkiller Addiction: A Growing Epidemic In recent years, prescription drugs have sped up […]

Why opiate addiction is on the rise among women

Opiate addiction is on the rise among both men and women. While this may conjure up thoughts of women using cocaine and heroin, increasing numbers of American women are addicted to opiates that are more often found in their medicine cabinets than on the street. Opiate Addiction in Women Prescription painkillers The opiates in those […]

Prescription Substance Abuse Overtakes Illegal Drugs

Substance abuse is one of the greatest concerns of law enforcement. While most public attention and law enforcement dollars have gone to combating illegal drugs like cannabis, cocaine, methamphetamines and heroine, the majority of cases of substance abuse in the US now involve abuse of prescription drugs.  An estimated 1.5 million people in the U.S. […]