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Is Painkiller Addiction Among Women an Epidemic?

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Painkiller addiction continues to rise among the female population at an alarming rate. This includes the increase of death rates among women abusing prescription drugs. Why does this happen and what can we do about it?

Women and Painkiller Addiction

Addiction to painkillers is a growing danger among the female population for several reasons. One reason is the prevalence of myths still existing in the country regarding prescription drugs. Many people are not aware of the dangers of prescription drugs, how addiction begins, and what the warning signs of prescription drugs are. There are many people who became addicted to prescription medications but postponed getting treatment due to misconceptions that they would be okay because the drugs are from doctors and the drugs are legal.

Women are also more likely to be prescribed painkillers for their health woes, as women seek treatment from doctors and hospitals more often than men do. Women are also more likely to suffer from chronic pain, which can be helped with the use of prescription painkillers. Specialists from the CDC also explain that women are more familiar with the health care system and so they are more likely to seek prescriptions from different doctors as a way of acquiring more than what their prescriptions mandate.

The Increase of Painkiller Death Rates among Women

The death rates among women that can be attributed to prescription painkiller abuse are increasing at such a pace that public health officials are calling it an epidemic. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more women have died from overdosing on drugs than in car accidents since 2007.

See also  Is Prescription Drug Abuse Ever Going to End?

Painkiller abuse is dangerous for both men and women but the smaller size of the female body makes it even easier for women to overdose.

Do You Have a Painkiller Addiction?

 Here are some of the signs that may point to you having an addiction to painkillers.

  • You are taking painkillers though you were never prescribed them.
  • Painkillers have taken center stage in your life.
  • You have built up a tolerance to your painkillers.
  • You have tried to take less and found you could not and/or you are having bad experiences from them but you continue to take them.
  • You are experiencing frequent mood swings or even changes in your personality.
  • You are defensive when it comes to others questioning your painkiller usage.
  • You are becoming very forgetful or even experiencing blackouts.

If you or a woman you love is having problems with painkiller addiction, drug abuse, alcohol dependency, or mental illness, women’s drug rehab may be the answer.  Remember that recovery from addiction and alcohol abuse treatment means learning how to cope with intensely emotional situations, and identifying when you need help and support.  Treatment for addiction relapse, counseling, and aftercare can help you do this, so please call us today. Destination Hope is a full service addiction and women’s health treatment facility in Florida for women who suffer from substance abuse and behavioral health issues.

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