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Drug Use

Heroin Abuse Among White Suburbanites is on the Rise

The face of heroin use is changing in America. It has long been perceived that heroin addiction mainly affected those living in inner cities and with less economic accessibility. A new study shows that this stereotype is far from the truth with 90% of the drugs users found to be white and 75% living in the suburbs outside of cities.

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Life after Opiate Addiction

Opiate addiction radically changes people’s lives. It negatively impacts physical and mental health, relationships, work, spirituality and other areas of life. While opiate addiction can

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The Effects of Drug Abuse on Your Pancreas

Many of the effects of drug abuse on our bodies are well known. Often, because of denial about our drinking and drug problems, we pretend that our bodies can handle the effects of alcohol and other drugs; that it adjusts to our intake and that our bodies work as efficiently as they always have. However, too much of anything is never a good thing, and in the case of heavy drinking, the pancreas is one of the organs that takes a heavy hit. What exactly are the effects of drug abuse on your pancreas? To understand the effects, we need to know more about the pancreas.

What is the pancreas? What does it do?

The pancreas is an organ embedded deep in the center of your body. About the size of a medium banana, it is located between the stomach and the spine. It functions as an endocrine gland, producing several hormones, the most notable of which is insulin. It also functions as an exocrine gland, secreting digestive enzymes that aid the breakdown of food products from the stomach. Because it is so small, you cannot feel it from the outside of your body, even if something is wrong. Problems with it are usually not detected until damage is severe enough to involve other organs.

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