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Shia LaBeouf’s Addiction

Shia LaBeouf on the red carpet during the premiere of Borg vs McEnroe

In the world of addiction and mental health treatment, understanding the complex relationship between substance abuse and mental illness is crucial. This intricate connection, often referred to as dual diagnosis, is a critical aspect of comprehensive care. At Destination Hope, we recognize the importance of addressing both mental health and addiction in tandem. Our approach […]

Why Mac Miller’s Overdose Death Matters

Malcolm James McCormick, known as Mac Miller, by any measure a successful musical talent, died at his home from an apparent overdose last Friday September 7. It’s easy to dismiss this as yet another celebrity death – particularly a musician – succumbing to drugs: “Hey that’s just their lifestyle, right?” However, Mac Miller’s death means […]

Real Housewives Star Returns to Rehabilitation

Former child actress and one of the stars of the hit reality TV series, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Kim Richards has been hospitalized for substance abuse treatment. Richards has claimed to have been clean and sober since her alcohol addiction program three years ago but received plenty of attention and speculation regarding her […]

Celebrities and Alcohol Addiction – Do They Go Hand in Hand?

Alcohol addiction and celebrities seem to go hand in hand when you consider how often you hear about the struggles and consequences of celebrities dealing with alcoholism in the news. This phenomenon occurs because many celebrities deal with pressure, anxiety and stress in unhealthy ways. This can lead to alcohol addiction for a celebrity just as it may for anyone else.

Olympic Athlete, Michael Phelps, Arrested for DUI

Star Olympian swimmer, Michael Phelps, was arrested Tuesday on charges for driving under the influence. This is not his first DUI or the first admission of his troubles with substances. Anxiety and stress are some of the major triggers of substance use for all individuals struggling with substance abuse. This may have been the trigger for the latest incident with Michael Phelps as well as prior incidents.

5 Things Celebs Have Taught Us About Substance Abuse Treatment

Substance abuse treatment is often a hot topic in celebrity news. This actually comes along with some great benefits for the recovery community, as we have been able to learn so much from their experiences. Here are five things famous figures have taught us about substance abuse treatment. 1. Substance Abuse Treatment Takes Time. Substance […]

Robin Williams: A Conversation About Dual Diagnosis

Actor Robin Williams was tragically found dead in his California home Last week, in an apparent suicide. The Oscar-winning actor and comedian had long battled a dual diagnosis of substance abuse and depression, for which he had spent time in recovery. In fact, Williams recently made headlines for proactively returning to treatment to strengthen his recovery. His passing has saddened thousands across the globe, both those who knew him personally and those who knew him only through his films.

Top 5 Robin Williams Movies to Inspire Your Addiction Treatment

Addiction treatment can be very challenging but inspiration can do so much to help you on your journey. There is so much greatness awaiting you in recovery and all of the hard work that you’ll need to put in can be well worth it. Sometimes we can get inspiration from other sources, like films, books, or even music. Let these five films starring the late actor Robin Williams inspire your addiction treatment.

Amber Valletta Opens Up About Her Drug & Alcohol Addiction

Actress and Model Amber Valletta recently opened up about her drug and alcohol addiction and her daily struggle to stay sober. Her exposure to substance abuse started at the tender age of 8 and carried on throughout her young adult life until she decided to get sober at 25.