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5 Reasons Outpatient Drug Treatment Fails

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Outpatient drug treatment has a proven track record of success but does not provide the controlled environment of inpatient drug treatment. The flexibility of outpatient treatment is an amazing benefit but also presents a potential hurdle. Here are five common reasons why outpatient drug treatment programs fail:

#1. Clients Return to Their Old Haunts During Outpatient Drug Treatment

Outpatient drug treatment loses much of its effectiveness if you return to the places you frequented when using. Even if you turn down offers to use or no one is using in that venue anymore, simply being there is problematic. You are exposing yourself to triggers that are harmful to the success and stability of your recovery.

#2. Continuing to Hang Out with the Bad Crowd

Continuing to spend time with the crowd you used with in the past is not a good idea. These people are triggers for relapse regardless of their current use or abstinence and whether or not they use in front of you. Take care of yourself and spend time with people with positive and healthy interests during outpatient drug treatment and afterwards. Refer to your relapse prevention strategies for specific steps of how to avoid these and other triggers.

#3. Not Taking the Recovery Process Seriously

Simply showing up to treatment isn’t sufficient to get you into a stable recovery mindset. You have to be ready and willing to make a change. The clients who succeed are prepared to commit to outpatient drug treatment with hard work and dedication. Further, some clients believe that outpatient treatment is less structured than inpatient. While your time commitment is reduced, the level of care requires just as much dedication.

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#4. Stop Going to Support Group Meetings

Support group meetings provide you with an important source of valuable support. It also keeps you active in your recovery long after outpatient drug treatment. You’ll be strongly encouraged to go to support group meetings as often as you can. When you stop attending meetings, your focus on recovery may suffer. Learn more about our alumni program.

#5. Choosing the Wrong Treatment Facility (and Admissions Specialist)

The facility you choose is important in this capacity. During the admissions process, a knowledgeable and experienced admissions counselor can help determine the right level of care for your circumstance. Only certain addicts are suitable for outpatient treatment and your admission specialist must have the deep understanding of addiction and your unique situation. Learn more about our programs.

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