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The Treatment Process – From Identifying Addiction to Breakthrough

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The treatment process for addiction is a long, winding road. The time it takes from admitting you have a problem to overcoming your obstacles differs from person to person depending on the intensity of the addiction and the willingness of that person to commit to bettering themselves – for their own sake and for that of those that love them.

Multidisciplinary team of addiction treatment professionals collaborate on a patients care at Destination Hope to treat substance abuse and cooccurring mental illnesses

How long does it take to get someone into rehab?

What does it take for someone who doesn’t want help to get into rehab? That can be a long process. What does it take for someone who’s ready to get into rehab? As long as it takes to make a phone call to see what your options are.

Whether or not you have insurance or financial support can impact the timeline, but long-established rehab centers like Destination Hope are able to connect people to appropriate treatment resources. If they have insurance or financial support that enables them to admit to a program, it’s simply a matter of how long it takes to get ready, location, and travel arrangements.

The main variable impacting how long it takes to get someone to rehab revolves around how determined that person is to seek help. They must be willing to access the resources and support necessary to overcome their addiction. That said, even those who admit to a treatment center for the “wrong” reasons can expect a supportive environment that often changes their mind and allows them to accept that treatment is necessary for their long-term good.

What is the rehab process and how long does it last?

The recovery process is different for everybody, and it depends on what level of care you admit to. Someone who is admitted into detox followed by a residential program is going to have a much longer treatment stay than someone who admits into a lower level of care. It depends on where the individual is in their struggle. Is this somebody who had a lot of clean and sober time and had a traumatic incident that resulted in a brief relapse? They might not need the same length of treatment as someone who suffers from significant mental health struggles along with their substance abuse, has experienced limited stability, has not been on medications recently, and needs intensive services to stabilize them before they can engage in treatment. The latter case might need a longer, more intensive rehab experience.

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The reality is: treatment depends on where a person is with their symptoms, the nature of their substance use, the consequences they’ve had, and the support available. Treatment is driven by progress. Someone who is:

  • Engaged
  • Working on their treatment plan
  • Completing assignments with their therapist
  • Open and honest about their history and what they’re going through
  • Willing to work within the program
  • Following through with appropriate aftercare

Will not only shorten the treatment process but make it far more effective as well.

If you or someone you love is struggling with behavioral health issues – mental health problems or addiction – call us today. Destination Hope works closely with our patients to ensure that we find the best treatment plan possible.

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