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Alcoholism: What to Do If You Relapse

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Alcoholism is complex and it takes plenty of hard work and dedication, along with the proper treatment plan, for success. Since recovery is a process and not a destination, you have to work on your recovery every day. Thus the nature of alcoholism means that relapse is a fact for many. If you ever experience a relapse, don’t give up. Relapse is not a reason to quit working on your recovery and it’s certainly not a sign of failure.

The Fight against Alcoholism

Alcoholism is a difficult challenge to overcome but if you’re ready to overcome it and you put in the hard work and dedication, you can reach a successful recovery. Achieving complete recovery purely by completing an alcoholism treatment program, however, is not realistic. Your recovery is something that must be worked on every day in order to remain strong and stable. Because the work on recovery must be consistent even long after the treatment program, relapse is a reality for many clients of alcoholism.

How to Avoid a Relapse after the Alcoholism Treatment Program

There are a number of ways to avoid relapse. Always remember that recovery is a process, so you should continue to work on remaining successful. Use your relapse prevention strategies daily to work on avoiding your triggers and to strengthen your recovery. Attending support group meetings regularly and consistently can help you receive valuable support from your alcoholism recovery peers. Communicate with your loved ones about the signs of potential relapse and share your relapse prevention strategies with them. They can help to guide you by pointing out any risky behavior you may be engaging in or risky emotions that put you in danger of heading down the road to relapse.

See also  Study on Rising Alcoholism Rates Among U.S. Women

What to Do If You Relapse

If you relapse, know that you are not a failure. You still have control over your future. You can go back to alcoholism treatment knowing how you’ve erred and why. This isn’t a time to quit. Going back to an alcoholism treatment program for the second time can serve to give you greater clarity in recovery. Only be sure to work even harder than before and to pinpoint exactly what went wrong (i.e. you stopped attending support group meetings, socializing with trigger individuals, etc.). You can use this error to further strengthen your recovery and you can be sure never to make the same mistake or mistakes again.

If you or a woman you love is having problems with drug abuse, alcohol dependency or mental illness, women’s drug rehab may be the answer.  Remember that recovery from addition and alcohol abuse treatment means learning how to cope with intensely emotional situations, and identifying when you need help and support.  Treatment for addiction relapse, counseling and aftercare can help you do this, so please call us todayDestination Hope is a full service addiction and women’s health treatment facility in Florida for women who suffer from substance abuse and behavioral health issues.

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