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Women’s Drug Rehab Reminds Us All to be Grateful

People wind up in women’s drug rehab for a variety of reasons. Some suffer from a dual diagnosis and turn to drugs and alcohol in an attempt to self-medicate their symptoms. Some were victims of domestic violence and tried to cope with what happened to them through substance abuse. And others still were just following the example set forth for them from a young age by a parent or guardian. The point is that no one intentionally sets out to develop an addiction to drugs or alcohol but it’s still something that happens every day. It’s up to each and every one of us to remember to be grateful for everything we do have, like the air in our lungs and our futures, as too many before us lost their battles with addiction and lost their lives as a result of it. We at Destination Hope: The Women’s Program could not be more grateful, humbled and honored that so many of you have chosen our women’s drug rehab to help guide you out of the darkness and toward the lighted path of recovery.

Continuing on the theme of gratitude, we recently decided to take a page out of the Alcoholics Anonymous program and ask that each of our clients make a gratitude board. A gratitude board is a written list of all the things for which we are grateful. The act of creating and re-reading our individual gratitude boards can do wonders at reassuring ourselves whenever we’re feeling scared, depressed or self-pitying. It can also reassure us that committing ourselves to our recovery at a women’s drug rehab is the best thing for our future.

We’d like to share a random sampling of some of our amazingly brave client’s gratitude boards with you. We hope that they’re able to inspire you and remind you of all the things in life you have to be grateful for as they did for us.

I am Grateful For…

  • Another chance at life
  • Finding Destination Hope
  • Being taught how to live
  • Another day clean and sober
  • My mom and my kids
  • My husband
  • The meetings at Destination Hope
  • Being able to stay at Destination Hope
  • Speaking up and getting myself a sponsor
  • The empowerment and strength that this women’s drug rehab has instilled in me
  • Destination Hope helping me save my life
  • My education
  • My sobriety
  • My health
  • My freedom
  • The support of my family
  • True love
  • This strong foundation for my recovery

Destination Hope: The Women’s Program is a premier drug and alcohol treatment facility in Florida that is dedicated to providing the best women’s drug rehab available. We are eternally grateful for every woman who is brave enough to speak up and ask us for help. You will not find another team of treatment specialists who will be more committed to your recovery than the caring staff at Destination Hope. If you or a loved one is having problems with drugs or alcohol, please get a hold of us today so we can help. You’re not alone; we can tackle this problem together, one day at a time.

Help Is One Step Away

We’re here 24/7 to help you get the care you need to live the life you want. Talk to our recovery specialists today and start treatment immediately.

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