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Staying Sober After Drug Rehab Treatment During The Holidays

Drug rehab treatment shouldn’t prevent you from enjoying the holidays; in fact, it can make this holiday season one of the best ones in your life.  Rehab has a significant impact on the lives of individuals suffering from addiction and their loved ones. Even after seeking and completing drug rehab treatment, many people with substance abuse issues have difficulties adjusting to life without the crutches of drugs and alcohol. The holidays, especially, can be a challenging time for people in recovery. The stress and chaos associated with this time of year can increase the risk of relapse for individuals in recovery. However, it is also a great time to focus on the positive things that drug rehab treatment has brought into your life, and the blessings you can appreciate because you are no longer suffering from drug and alcohol problems.

Incorporating Drug Rehab Treatment Into Everyday Life

One of the primary aspects of drug rehab treatment is teaching people how to incorporate sobriety into everyday life. While this can be a day-to-day challenge, the holidays can raise the stakes even higher. Putting to use lessons learned in treatment can help increase the chances of maintained sobriety during this stressful time. For example, working a sobriety social program or enlisting the support of a sponsor or sober friend can help reduce the risk of relapse. Other great tips include the following:

Avoid Triggers
In drug rehab treatment, many of us explore personal triggers that lead to the use of drugs or alcohol. Learning to spot and avoid these triggers is crucial to long-term recovery, and the holidays are often cited as triggers. During these times, women in recovery should be hyper-vigilant in how and with whom they spend their time. Making a list of individuals, situations, or places to avoid during the holidays can go a long way in avoiding relapse.

Furthermore, women in recovery shouldn’t put their sobriety at risk out of a sense of duty. If certain friends, family members, or even traditions equate to triggers, they should be avoided at all costs. Lean on the strategies you learned in drug rehab treatment to avoid or cope with triggers in a healthy, positive way.

Stay Positive
A positive attitude is a great deterrent to using drugs and alcohol. By keeping the goal of lifelong sobriety in sight, women in recovery are better equipped to remain upbeat, even throughout the holiday season. A few positive ways to spend time during the holidays include volunteering, decorating, and planning fun events that are conducive to sobriety and positivity.

Don’t be Afraid to Seek Help
Even women who have been in recovery for years need help from time to time. Addiction is a lifelong illness. Having the courage to ask for help can prevent a number of dangers and complications, including relapse and unraveling hard work and determination. When the pressures of life are too much to bear, women in recovery should never hesitate to ask for help. Many women struggle after leaving drug rehab treatment and the holidays can be a particularly difficult time.  One relapse does not mean that you are no longer on the path to recovery.

The path to sobriety is not without challenges, but we believe that each challenge teaches us something new and helps us more forward on the path to recovery. If you or a woman you love is suffering from substance abuse please call us today. Destination Hope: The Women’s Program is a full service addiction and women’s health treatment facility in Florida for women who suffer from substance abuse and behavioral health issues.

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