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Sex Addiction and Smartphones

Sex addiction and technology create problematic circumstances. Today’s smartphones with Internet access make it much easier for clients of sex addiction to get their addiction “fix”. Let’s take a look at the connection between sex addiction, smartphones and impulse control.

Sex Addiction, Smartphones & Impulse Control

Technology proves to offer plenty of trouble for clients of various addictions connected to impulse control such as gambling addiction, porn addiction and also sex addiction. Smartphones, in particular, offer clients with addiction a simple way to access the Internet in order to connect with people quickly and anonymously. It is also a way to quickly access sexual imagery, another way clients are able to give in to the addiction.

The Internet is a dangerous place for clients with impulse control addictions. It is highly recommended that Internet time to be very limited because the knowledge of such easy access may also serve as a trigger for the addictions.

Seeking Treatment for Sex Addiction

Sex addiction (and other impulse control addictions) may be treated by the traditional treatment methods used for chemical addictions (i.e. alcohol or drugs) as both addiction types are connected to impulse control. The tried-and-true treatment methods of substance addiction are just as effective for sex addiction. Psychotherapy is the main treatment method. Clients participate in individual, group, family and cognitive behavioral (using thoughts to affect behaviors) therapy sessions in order to work to realize deep personal insights and uncover the causes behind the sex addiction. These results are so valuable in building a strong base for entering the recovery process.

Clients of sex addiction also participate in support group meetings with their sex addiction peers in order to speak of their experiences, concerns, hopes and fears as well as to give and receive great support. Lifestyle counseling helps clients learn how to shape their lives in manners conducive to recovered living. Lifestyle counseling would include such recommendations as considering switching from smartphones to basic mobile phones or simply deactivating the internet or placing strict time limits and filters. The purpose is to shape your life in a manner that works with your job and lifestyle that will also help support recovery. Stress management is also a great help as stress is one of the major triggers for giving in to addiction. Relapse prevention strategies help clients to manage and minimize stress as well as to avoid other harmful triggers such as online triggers, places where they could succumb to their addiction and others.

If you or someone you love is having problems with alcohol abuse, chemical dependency or addiction, recovery from a drug abuse program, like the one at Destination Hope, may be the answer.  Remember that recovery from addiction and alcohol abuse treatment means learning how to cope with intensely emotional situations, and identifying when you need help and support.  Treatment for addiction relapse, counseling, and aftercare can help you do this, so please call us today. Destination Hope is a full-service addiction and health treatment facility in Florida for men and women who suffer from substance abuse and behavioral health issues.

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