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Meet Bridgette Fong, Clinical Director

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Employee Spotlight - Bridgette Fong - Clinical Director at DH

What brought you to the field of addiction and mental health treatment?

When I was in high school, I enrolled in a psychology class as an elective and ended up being fascinated with everything I learned. As I furthered my college education, I became more interested in working with children; I then began my internship at a site that offered treatment for women and children, where I quickly realized the need to work with adults recovering from addiction and mental health. I initially chose that site as my first option due to the children however, I ended up thoroughly enjoying my work with the adult women instead.

What does a typical day look like for you as Clinical Director of Destination Hope?

My day always begins with reviewing emails and shift reports from the night prior, highlighting any areas needing follow-up. I am then a part of our daily treatment team meeting, which includes all departments and we discuss any specific issues, appointments for the day, client/staff needs, and schedules. Throughout the day I am involved with providing clinical staff support, assisting clients with any crises, collaborating with other department managers, auditing charts, providing supervision, and participating in various weekly meetings related to clinical programming.

Can you share how collaboration among staff in different departments is integral to your role?

Without the collaboration amongst staff, I would be unable to provide the support that I am able to provide within my current role. It is so important for our medical, clinical and behavioral health tech staff to work cooperatively with each other in order to provide our clients with the best possible care. My role requires constant communication between departments and as a representative of the clinical team, I strive for all staff to communicate frequently.

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What advice would you give someone who is hesitant about seeking addiction or mental health treatment for their loved one?

I would say that seeking treatment can be a scary step however, the benefits outweigh the risks and there is a high chance for your loved one to live a healthier life if you take the leap of faith.

Why Destination Hope?

Why not Destination Hope? I truly believe that we offer the best client care in the industry and have the most competent, passionate, hard-working, and intelligent clinical staff. I feel that Destination Hope encompasses all aspects that a treatment center should operate with, all the while continuing to improve current processes through ongoing training and opportunities for growth. Our staff members get along very well, work together in a family-oriented environment and communicate effectively to provide clients and their families with the best possible outcomes.

Do you have a favorite motto or quote?

The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

What do you love most about living in South Florida?

The weather and the vast diversity of cultures we have access to.

You recently had a baby girl! How do you maintain work/life balance?

I did, and she has been the best thing that has ever happened to me! I maintain my work/life balance by making sure to be present when I am home with family, planning fun outings together, spending time outdoors in the sun, and sleeping (if she allows for it). When I returned to the office following 3 months of maternity leave, I felt a sense of relief and an outlet coming back to work, since I can say that! genuinely love what I do and the team that I work with.

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What do you want people to know about you?

I am a Cuban-American who was born and raised in Miami, I was a ballet dancer for 17 years, I love the beach and all water activities, I am a huge Miami Heat basketball fan, family is the most important part of my life, I love to help others reach their goals and I enjoy taking tropical vacations.

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