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Helping a Friend with Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction does not have to continue forever. You can help your friend get the assistance he or she needs to join a program to work towards a healthier and more stable life of recovery.

Helping a Friend with Alcohol Addiction

If you believe your friend has an alcohol addiction, reach out and have a conversation. Mention the very specific ways in which they have behaved due to their alcohol abuse as well as the consequences you have seen them suffer as a result. You and your other friends or colleagues may have even be affected negatively by their alcohol abuse. Be sure not to judge or to place blame, and let them know that you are speaking to them about this issue because you care. Let your friend know that alcohol addiction does not have to be a life sentence and that life can be much more enjoyable on the other side – in a healthier and more balanced life of recovery.

Potential Signs of Alcohol Addiction

These signs may point to a potential addiction to alcohol.

  • Drinking alcohol in secret or lying about the frequency or quantity consumed.
  • Keeping alcohol hidden in nearby places for easy access such as a desk at work or in the car.
  • Being unable to drink less regardless of attempts.
  • Alcohol is having a negative effect on one’s life.
  • Continuing to drink alcohol despite health problems and other serious consequences.

Treatment for Alcohol Addiction

Treatment at an alcohol addiction program may be the best option to get your friend back to health. He may partake in psychotherapy sessions to uncover the underlying causes of his addiction, which can hand him important tools necessary for the recovery process. Support group meetings, lifestyle counseling, stress management and other alcohol addiction program activities can also help him to work on overcoming his addiction. He can leave the program with all of the information necessary to continue working on remaining in recovery as well as the knowledge of what steps are required in order to avoid relapse.

Continuing Your Strong Support

Alcohol addiction may be overcome by recovery but as there is no cure for substance addiction, recovery is a lifelong process to be worked on. You can continue to help your friend by simply being a good source of support. A strong support system is one of the best deterrents for relapse during recovery. Helping a friend choose a life of recovery from alcohol addiction is one of the best things you can offer!

If you or someone you love is suffering from the effects of alcohol abuse, substance addiction or any other type of addiction, please call us today.  Our addiction treatment counselors can help you deal with physical, emotional and psychological consequences of drug and alcohol abuse.  A substance abuse treatment program is effective, safe and has helped many men reclaim their lives. Destination Hope is a full service drug, alcohol and dual diagnosis treatment facility in Florida for men suffering from substance abuse and mental health issues.

Help Is One Step Away

We’re here 24/7 to help you get the care you need to live the life you want. Talk to our recovery specialists today and start treatment immediately.

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