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Florida Drug Rehab Sees Increased Trend in Synthetic Narcotics

Florida drug rehab has seen an increase in clients coming to receive treatment for addictions to synthetic narcotics. Synthetic narcotics hold special dangers, as these substances are often advertised as something they are not. They may even contain harmful or even lethal substances with unknown or unexpected side effects. One common new drug is referred to as “molly”, which often turns out to be such dangerous substances as bath salts or amateur synthetic drugs.

Florida Drug Rehab Speaks of the Molly Situation

There has been an increase of clients seeking treatment for addiction to synthetic narcotics. These drugs are, of course, man made, which means you can never truly know what is in them. Sometimes the drugs are intentionally passed off as other drugs to make sales and are actually even more dangerous substances. For example, the common new drug, “molly”, is frequently found out to be another synthetic drug being passed off as the substance such as bath salts or amateur synthetic drugs. Florida drug rehab warns that these substances can pose substantially greater health risks and dangers.

A lab authorized by the DEA, as well as a staggering number of hospital toxicology reports across the country, point to the fact that these drugs being passed off as molly are more often being sold and consumed than the actual drug referred to as molly (MDMA), unbeknownst to the consumers. The number of cases of these drugs being passed off as molly is so great that there are many consumers of substances who believe they are feeling the effects of MDMA because they have only ever taken substances such as bath salts and thus believe that to be the feeling of the drug.

Florida Drug Rehab for the Treatment of Drug Addiction

Unfortunately, these dangerous online drug stores stay in business by taking advantage of people’s addictions. Someone with an addiction may go to great lengths to get the next high, even taking an unknown substance purchased online. This could lead to serious consequences, but there is help available.

If you are struggling with drug addiction, Florida drug rehab can be your solution for turning your life around. Life in recovery is healthier and more stable for a brighter, more promising future. At Florida drug rehab you can enjoy special benefits unique to the area. The Florida sunshine provides the backdrop of wonderful weather for most days of the year, making it easier to focus on treatment. Sunny weather is also a great mood booster. Florida drug rehab also offers great community support, enhancing the experience of your treatment program among other benefits.

If you or someone you love is suffering from the effects of alcohol abuse, substance addiction or any other type of addiction, please call us today.  Our addiction treatment counselors can help you deal with physical, emotional and psychological consequences of drug and alcohol abuse.  A substance abuse treatment program is effective, safe and has helped many men reclaim their lives. Destination Hope is a full service drug, alcohol and dual diagnosis treatment facility in Florida for men suffering from substance abuse and mental health issues.

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