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Depression Symptoms in Women (Part 2 of 3)

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Being able to recognize depression symptoms in women is important. Part two of this three-part blog series on depression in women is designed to help readers effectively recognize the symptoms.

It may be harder to recognize depression symptoms in women than one might think. Consider this fact: it is estimated that over half of the women in the United States who would benefit from treatment for depression seek help.

Whether it be in yourself or in someone that you know, the following list of symptoms in women is meant to help recognize depression so that proper diagnosis and treatment can be sought.

Depression Symptoms in Women

  • Fatigue or decreased energy is one of the most common and recognizable depression symptoms in women. In severe cases, it can be hard to find motivation or even to get out of bed in the morning.
  • Changes in sleep patterns may also occur. These may relate to fatigue as excessive sleeping or insomnia can occur.
  • Changes in appetite or eating habits can also occur as depression symptoms in women. Much like sleep patterns, appetite changes may go either way. A person may begin eating more or less than usual. This can often become or relate to eating disorders in women as well. Eating disorders can be very similar to addiction. A woman may feel temporarily in control with their food intake but their obsessive eating habits lead to a spiraling lack of control all together ending in negative health effects.
  • Those suffering from depression are likely to lose interest in things they once enjoyed. This may be hobbies or spending time with family and friends. A loss of interest in sex is even a likelihood.
  • Depression can make it difficult to concentrate and complete tasks. Because of this, a drop in performance at work or school or other activities and responsibilities is a common symptom of depression in women.
  • Symptoms of depression in women can even present themselves in a more physical way. Headaches or aches and pains in the joints and muscles may occur with depression. Cramps and digestive problems may also occur.
  • Thoughts of suicide or attempts to commit suicide are the most severe and dangerous of depression symptoms in women. Three times as many women as men attempt suicide in the United States each year. If you find yourself having thoughts of suicide, it is important to seek help for your depression immediately.
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Depression is not an easy issue to deal with, which is why many end up turning to abuse of substances such as drugs and alcohol to cope, but attempting to self-medicate only increases the problem. By recognizing depression symptoms and seeking help from a qualified and effective rehab program with expertise in dual diagnosis treatment, the problems can be treated and it is possible for women suffering from addiction and depression to regain control of their lives.

Destination Hope offers effective dual diagnosis treatment specifically for women in order to treat all of the issues a woman is suffering from in the way that best benefits her.

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