Depression and addiction appearing together in a client is referred to as a dual diagnosis. Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders seen in dual diagnoses and many female clients experience dual diagnoses.
Depression and Addiction: A Common Dual Diagnosis
A dual diagnosis is when a client has an addiction and at least one accompanying mental health disorder. Depression and addiction is one of the most commonly seen dual diagnoses and dual diagnoses are also quite common among female clients. Sometimes a client has depression and she tries to self-medicate her depression via alcohol or drugs and she develops an addiction to substances.
There also instances in which a client has an addiction and she develops depression as a result of the negative side effects of her addiction to substances and/or the negative impacts her addiction has had on her life (i.e. relationship problems, issues at work, problems with the law, etc.). There are still other cases in which it may not be that one led to the other but that still depression and addiction are both experienced by a client.
Due to the nature of the symptoms of depression as well as the nature of addiction, treatment for both depression and addiction at the same time is important in order for successful results to be achieved.
Treatment for Depression and Addiction
Psychotherapy is the main treatment method for both depression and addiction. Psychotherapy works by helping clients uncover the underlying causes of their depression and addiction on a personal level by uncovering valuable insights into the self. Psychotherapy comes in various forms including one-on-one, group, family and cognitive behavioral therapy. It’s very important that a client attends a substance abuse and addiction program where the staff is knowledgeable about treating dual diagnoses.
Lifestyle counseling and stress management are also useful tools for treating depression and addiction. They allow clients to design their lives in such manners that are conducive to better mental health and a stable recovery. Stress is one of the biggest triggers for substance abuse and it’s also a great trigger for depression. This highlights the importance of establishing effective stress management techniques for better living. Relapse prevention strategies and support group meetings are also effective treatment tools for clients of addiction.
It’s important that clients closely follow their treatment programs for both depression and addiction in order to achieve the best results and the greatest odds for success!
If you or a woman you love is having problems with drug abuse, alcohol dependency and mental illness, women’s drug rehab may be the answer. Remember that recovery from addiction and alcohol abuse treatment means learning how to cope with intensely emotional situations, and identifying when you need help and support. Treatment for addiction relapse, counseling, and aftercare can help you do this, so please call us today. Destination Hope is a full service addiction and women’s health treatment facility in Florida for women who suffer from substance abuse and behavioral health issues.