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Celebrate your Recovery, September is National Recovery Month!

It’s National Recovery Month this September!  The 23rd celebration of recovery and behavioral health treatment is underway.  Aiming to get people involved this year, the celebration is centered around educating the public on the societal and individual benefits of prevention, treatment, and recovery for substance abuse and mental health disorders.

Getting Involved With Recovery Month

More than 450 federal, state, and local government entities and non-profit organizations will take part in Recovery Month events to help raise awareness of the importance of behavioral health services and celebrate those who navigated a path to recovery.  More than 650 events are planned across the country to celebrate recovery month, from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) National Wellness Week (September 17th-23rd) to walk-a-thons and cycling events for those celebrating recovery.  There’s no excuse not to find a way to celebrate the success of behavioral health treatment this month!

This year, SAMHSA has included even more social media aspects to the Recovery Month celebration.  In addition to the continuation of its Voices for Recovery blog, where individuals in recovery or who have loved ones in recovery can submit their stories and read the personal stories of others who have found the path to recovery, SAMHSA is also running a Recovery Month Facebook page, helping people to connect with e-cards, events, and inspiration for the month.

We’ve added Recovery Month to our calendar for the month as well.  You’ll see a significant amount of recovery and relapse prevention-related material on our blog, Facebook, and Twitter feeds this month.  Along with tips and advice, we’ll also be tackling some of the bigger issues related to recovery, such as relapse and staying social when sober.

Many women don’t take the time to celebrate themselves and their achievements.  Every recovery should be celebrated, no matter how long it has lasted.  Making the choice to commit to yourself and your health can be difficult, but you are worth it.  Recovery, even if you experience relapse, is something to be proud of, and we hope you’ll take a moment this Recovery Month to celebrate yourself or those you love that have come through substance abuse or mental illness to find a path to recovery.

Women who suffer from alcohol abuse, prescription drug abuse, or are suffering with depression or anxiety are not alone.  Recovery Month is designed to celebrate their struggle, but also to remind them that there is a community of women and individuals willing to listen and help.  If you or a woman you love is suffering from substance abuse or mental illness, please call us today. We have a women’s program designed to treat the unique needs of women who suffer from substance abuse and mental health disorders that can help them find a path to recovery. Destination Hope: The Women’s Program is a full service alcohol abuse, drug addiction, and women’s health treatment facility in Florida for women who suffer from substance abuse and co-occurring disorders.

Help Is One Step Away

We’re here 24/7 to help you get the care you need to live the life you want. Talk to our recovery specialists today and start treatment immediately.

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