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Can Addiction Treatment Help with Porn Addiction?

Yes, addiction treatment can help clients of porn addiction work towards recovery. Porn addiction, sex addiction and other behavioral addictions affect the brain in a similar manner as chemical addictions. That means that treatment for these addictions may reflect that of treatment for substance addiction.

Behavioral Addictions and Chemical Addictions

Behavioral addictions (also referred to as process addictions) include such addictions as porn addiction, sex addiction, gambling addiction, Internet addiction and eating disorders. Some evidence suggests that these addictions are much more physical than what was once believed. This is because behavioral addictions have been found to affect the brain in the same manner as chemical addictions (addictions to substances such as alcohol or drugs).

Addiction Treatment for Behavioral Addictions

As time goes on, traditional addiction rehabilitation centers are seeing more and more clients come in for addiction treatment for behavioral addictions. Addiction treatment center processes can be just as effective for these addictions as they are for behavioral addictions.

The main addiction treatment method is psychotherapy. Psychotherapy helps clients to uncover their personal, underlying reasons for their addictions by reaching moments of clarity throughout therapy referred to as breakthroughs. Psychotherapy sessions include one-on-one therapy, group therapy, family therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Stress is a major trigger for substance use as well as for giving in to behavioral addictions so lifestyle counseling and stress management are also important aspects of addiction treatment as well as for working on recovery for life. Lifestyle counseling allows clients to shape their lives in ways conducive to recovered living.  This can include engaging in healthy and positive lifestyle practices. Stress management gives clients ways to manage and decrease stress levels effectively with any number of various methods such as yoga, meditation, journaling, breathing exercises, exercise, time management, organization and personal time to relax.

Clients of behavioral and chemical addictions attend support group meetings to give and receive valuable support from their addiction peers. Clients continue to attend support group meetings regularly even after addiction treatment in order to remain active in recovery. Clients should also learn how to create and utilize relapse prevention strategies to avoid harmful triggers for substance use or giving in to a behavioral addiction. These triggers may include anything from boredom and stress to places known for a specific behavior or substance abuse and the sources for giving in to addiction (i.e. a drug dealer, a casino). Clients shape step-by-step, specific plans for avoiding these triggers in order to maintain the health and stability of their recovery processes.

If you or someone you love is suffering from the effects of opiate addiction, substance abuse or any other type of addiction, please call us today.  Our addiction treatment counselors can help you deal with the physical, emotional and psychological consequences of drug and alcohol abuse.

Programs for substance abuse are effective, safe and have helped many people reclaim their lives. Destination Hope is a full-service drug, alcohol and dual diagnosis treatment facility in Florida for men and women suffering from substance abuse and mental health issues.

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