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After Drug and Alcohol Rehab: Healthy Living

Table of Contents

Drug and alcohol rehab is just the first step in developing a healthy lifestyle.  Healthy living may seem like a buzz word these days, with plenty of commercials and advertisements telling us to live better, longer and healthier!  What do they mean?  What is healthy living?

Healthy living is a focus on treating your body well through nutrition, exercise, and hobbies.  It’s a focus on positively stimulating all four areas of health: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.

After Drug and Alcohol Rehab: Exercise

Many women leave drug and alcohol rehab intent on treating themselves better, maintaining healthier relationships and finding a new “lease” on life.  Exercise is a key component of healthy living.  You don’t have to go out and run a marathon to check off the exercise box on your healthy living checklist.  A 30 minute walk with a friend or a yoga video is all you need to qualify.  Many women in recovery find group exercise classes an easy and enjoyable way to meet new people and get in the daily exercise they need.  Exercise is an important aspect of healthy living.  Research has shown that exercise releases endorphins, the body’s natural happy drug.

After Drug and Alcohol Rehab: Nutrition

When a woman leaves drug and alcohol rehab she should focus on eating a balanced diet.  Why? Not only does it help maintain a healthy body weight, but it also provides her body with the vitamins, minerals and nutrients it needs to continue healing.  Rehab is only the first step in the recovery process, and while we constantly focus on the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of recovery, we cannot neglect the ongoing physical recovery.  A balanced diet helps the body repair itself and protect against illness and injury- giving us more time to enjoy life!

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After Drug and Alcohol Rehab: Feeding the emotional and spiritual

Counselors at drug and alcohol rehab may help patients set a course for life after rehab.  Often this course includes finding new healthy hobbies to replace the drug or alcohol abuse.  Many women turn to yoga, art classes or recreational sports to find a support group of new friends and fun activities.  Book clubs, women’s discussion groups and local dining clubs are also great options for finding new friends and feeding the emotional areas of your health.  Some women find spiritual comfort and fellowship at local religious organizations, while others find that joining church or temple women’s auxiliary groups helps feed their spiritual health.

Healthy living after drug and alcohol rehab should address all four areas of health.  If you or someone you love needs a helping hand to find the path to healthy living, please call us today. We have a women’s program designed to treat the unique needs of women during recovery.  Destination Hope: The Women’s Program is a full service alcohol abuse, drug addiction, and women’s health treatment facility in Florida for women who suffer from substance abuse and mental health disorders.

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