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After Your Drug Rehabilitation Program: 5 Ways to Build Self-Esteem

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Drug rehabilitation program clients can work on strengthening their recovery processes by building and maintaining good self-esteem. Use these five methods for building self-esteem to improve your recovery as well as just about every other area of your life.

#1: Take an Inventory to Build Self Esteem.

Take a personal inventory to build your self-esteem as advised by your drug rehabilitation program. Take an inventory of your personal experiences and your relationships in an effort to uncover patterns of dysfunctional emotions and behaviors.

You can gain more objectivity and self-acceptance while simultaneously dissolving guilt, resentment and shame. Improved self-esteem can also help you let go of self-loathing and false self-beliefs while allowing you to manage the symptoms of or be free from depression.

#2: Volunteer.

Volunteering or participating in community service can help you feel more confident and feel better about yourself. There is much to be gained on a personal level by reaching out and assisting others. You can gain a much better view of yourself and an improved self-image. There are so many different places you may volunteer such as soup kitchens, homeless shelters, boys’ and girls’ clubs, et al.

#3. Practice Using Daily Positive Affirmations.

Make it a habit to practice daily positive affirmations. Remind yourself of how great, capable, deserving and worthy you are each day. Drug rehabilitation program clients as well as anyone and everyone else can benefit greatly from the power of positive affirmations. Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves of exactly how amazing and worthwhile we really are. Drown out negative thoughts with these feel-good personal mantras.

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#4. Focus on an Active Recovery.

Working on an active recovery can help you with your self-esteem. As you continue to progress in strengthening your recovery from substance abuse and addiction, your self-esteem can improve as you see just how strong and capable you really are. Active recovery means regularly using relapse prevention strategies, attending support group meetings, working on stress management, embracing a healthy lifestyle and other such efforts.

#5. Take Up a Positive Perspective.

Thinking positively and seeing things from a positive perspective is beneficial to everyone – including drug rehabilitation program clients. You can truly transform your life by deciding to approach everything from a positive angle. This may be especially helpful for scenarios, situations, events or life factors that are out of your control. When you don’t have the power to change something you can feel comfort in the fact that you are still in control – you have the power to decide how you will feel and how you will let it affect you. Positive thinking comes with a number of benefits that include improved self-esteem, improved self-confidence, reduced stress and improved mental and physical health.

If you or someone you love is having problems with alcohol abuse, chemical dependency or addiction, recovery from a drug abuse program, like the one at Destination Hope, may be the answer.  Remember that recovery from addiction and alcohol abuse treatment means learning how to cope with intensely emotional situations, and identifying when you need help and support.  Treatment for addiction relapse, counseling, and aftercare can help you do this, so please call us today. Destination Hope is a full-service addiction and health treatment facility in Florida for men and women who suffer from substance abuse and behavioral health issues.

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