Destination Hope is a Florida drug rehab facility that truly cares about the effective treatment of the women in their drug and alcohol rehab programs. By putting a major focus on individualized treatment, they are able to offer exactly what women are looking for in a rehab treatment center.
Gender-Specific Treatment
There are many ways in which the programs at Destination Hope are individualized. The first is in the name. By offering treatment that is gender-specific, the unique needs of women who suffer from addiction are able to be addressed.
In many drug rehab centers, gender-specific programs are not available, as the majority of the patients are men. Because of this, treatment is often geared to the needs of the majority, leaving women in the program with less than ideal treatment for their addictions or substance abuse problems.
The specialized programming also helps Destination Hope keep its treatment group sizes very small, ensuring each patient can receive proper attention. The average therapist-to-patient ratio is one to three. Not all drug rehab centers will offer this kind of individualized attention.
Specialty Track Programs
Another way that the treatment is individualized at Destination Hope is by offering a variety of specialty track treatment programs. Because Destination Hope is gender-specific, we are also able to concentrate on dual diagnosis treatment for the issues most common to women.
For example, we offer programs specifically for alcoholism, drug addiction, depression, anxiety, trauma and abuse, eating disorders and other mental health issues. If a woman is suffering from multiple issues, she will receive dual diagnosis treatment—treatment for all of the issues affecting the addictive behavior.
It is important for all of the causal and resulting factors of substance abuse to be treated simultaneously in order to achieve recovery and wellness. We also offer residential-style treatment and outpatient treatment, depending on the level of care that a woman needs.
Continuous Assessment & Evaluation
Every woman in our program receives a comprehensive assessment upon arrival from our multi-disciplinary team of doctors, nurses, therapists, and addiction counselors. This assessment takes substance abuse, medical, and personal history into account to create an individualized treatment plan.
However, one assessment is not enough. A woman’s treatment needs can change throughout the program, based on what progress has been made. Therefore, with continuous re-evaluations by the treatment team, the program and treatment protocols can be tailored to meet the client’s needs and determine the next steps in their treatment.
By remaining flexible throughout the treatment process in this way, Destination Hope is able to adapt the treatment throughout the process to offer more effective paths to recovery.
Not all cases of addiction or substance abuse are the same. Each case, person and situation are different, and in turn, all drug rehab facilities are not the same. By offering flexibility and individualization in many forms, Destination Hope is able to offer better care to the women they treat.
If you or a woman you care about is suffering from drug addiction or alcoholism, call us. We are here to help.