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Womens Drug Rehab Highlighted in Amy Winehouse Tribute

Women’s drug rehab facilities were touted by actor/comedian Russell Brand during a tribute to Amy Winehouse on Sunday night’s Video Music Awards on MTV. The tribute was led by Brand, and included famed musician Tony Bennett as well as a performance by VMA nominee Bruno Mars.

Brand touched on the endless talents Winehouse possessed, as well the demons that haunted her until the end from her disease of addiction.  The most hopeful part of Brand’s speech was when he addressed the crowd and declared to a live audience of thousands and a television audience of millions that there is help out there for anyone suffering from drug or alcohol addiction, and that they don’t need to suffer in silence. Women’s drug rehab centers and alcohol addiction facilities do exist and they do work.

Drug Rehab Centers Help Keep You Sober

Drug addiction is a lifelong battle that countless women in this country face every day. While recovery is an achievable goal that is in every female addict’s grasp, it’s something that needs to be worked on regularly in order to stay sober.

There are a lot of risky situations that addicts find themselves in that can lead to relapse. Going through treatment at drug rehab can teach you positive ways to avoid these high-risk situations, as well as what to do when confronted with one. A few examples are listed below:

  • Always plan ahead. Having structure in your life will help you avoid high-risk situations.
  • If you find yourself in a dangerous situation, get out! Don’t wait or make excuses for being there, leave immediately.
  • Avoid people you used to use with or those who will influence you to use.
  • Talk openly and honestly with others about your cravings and recurring hardships.
  • Have at least 5 phone numbers of supportive people you can call when confronted with danger.
  • Have an escape plan or have alternative activities ready in case plans fall through.
  • Think positively in the face of danger. Go to a meeting!

These are the kinds of lessons that can be learned in therapy at a quality drug rehab facility that has gender-specific programming, such as Destination Hope. Counseling and treatment are the most effective ways to overcome addiction and maintain long-term sobriety. Addiction is an intense disease of the brain that often leaves the addicted individual feeling completely powerless in its wake.

Destination Hope is a drug, alcohol and dual diagnosis treatment center for women in beautiful South Florida. Destination Hope has the highly trained staff it takes to successfully coach a woman through her addiction and lead her towards recovery.

Our clinicians and therapists number one priority is providing the most comforting and non-threatening environment possible for you to heal and feel safe. Women struggling with addiction have special needs and Destination Hope is here to cater to them. If you or a loved one is having a problem with drugs or alcohol, please give the counselors at Destination Hope a call. We’re not happy until you can feel at peace again within yourself. Call us anytime!

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