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Will Exercise Help My Drug Rehab in Florida?

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Drug rehab in Florida addiction treatment methods may be supplemented by the benefits of exercise. Exercise helps the body and mind as well as addiction recovery, according to numerous studies. Some rehab facilities are even incorporating exercise into their treatments so clients may enjoy a number of physical, mental and psychological benefits.

Drug Rehab in Florida: The Physical Benefits of Exercise

Rehabilitation centers incorporating exercise into their treatment programs allow clients to gain a number of physical health benefits including the following:

  • Weight Loss and Weight Management
  • Improved Muscle Strength
  • Energy Boosts
  • More Restful Sleep
  • Circulation Improvement
  • Psychological Benefits (brought on as a result of physical benefits including the release of feel-good chemicals in the brain such as dopamine)

Drug Rehab in Florida: The Mental and Psychological Benefits of Exercise

The mental and psychological benefits of exercise incorporated into addiction treatment include the following:

  • Self-Concept Improvement
  • Mood Improvement
  • A Reduction in Anxiety and Depression
  • Sharpened Mental Skills
  • It Provides a Healthy Hobby to Occupy Time

Drug Rehab in Florida on the Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle for the Recovery Process

Clients of addiction treatment must commit to making significant life changes in order to achieve successful recovery processes. Toxic life habits, thought processes, emotions and behaviors are cast aside to be replaced with a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle is wonderful for clients for many reasons including the fact that it does not create a favorable environment for substance abuse and addiction. Clients leading healthy lifestyles are taking care of themselves and understanding their self-worth, self-value while continuously gaining more confidence and taking pride in feeling good and living well.

See also  Are All Drug Rehab in Florida Programs the Same?

The benefits of a healthy lifestyle are emphasized time and time again at drug rehab in Florida through such program offerings as lifestyle counseling and stress management. Clients learn that stress is one of the biggest triggers for substance use and that stress may be controlled via a number of lifestyle techniques including healthy lifestyle initiatives such as exercising regularly, getting proper sleep and nutrition, using breathing exercises, practicing yoga, playing sports and meditating. Living well also allows clients to more easily meet new people with healthier mindsets and interests to support their recovery processes by defeating boredom and by staying away from trigger individuals in their lives such as friends and family members who continue to use drugs.

If you or someone you love is suffering from the effects of alcohol abuse, substance addiction or any other type of addiction, please call us today.  Our addiction treatment counselors can help you deal with physical, emotional and psychological consequences of drug and alcohol abuse.  A substance abuse treatment program is effective, safe and has helped many men reclaim their lives. Destination Hope is a full service drug, alcohol and dual diagnosis treatment facility in Florida for men suffering from substance abuse and mental health issues.

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