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Why is Drug Rehab for Women Better Than a Mixed Program?

Drug rehab for women is a substance abuse treatment program that is gender specific- designed for women only. For many women who are suffering from a drug or alcohol problem, substance abuse treatment is an incredibly emotional and yet healing period in their lives. Often women feel more comfortable coping with the emotions of recovery in a gender specific program. There is research to indicate that women and men do better in recovery when there are fewer distractions. Let’s take a look at why many women thrive in such programs.

Why Is Drug Rehab For Women Effective?

Fewer Distractions
Many women find being in a mixed gender rehab program to be distracting. Men often cope with their emotions and recovery in different ways and it can be hard to stay focused on your own recovery when you are listening to an experience that is very different from your own. In addition, many women find men distracting in a therapy environment and have difficulty focusing on their own health and wellness in a mixed gender environment.

Building Support
A gender specific environment helps women and men build relationships that are platonic and focused on emotional support without the distractions of romance. These supportive relationships are essential to long-term recovery and reducing the risk for relapse. Building support with other women also helps women in a drug rehab for women program learn to build healthy friendships – something that studies have shown is essential to a women’s positive sense of self.

Men and Women Are Different
Remember the book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”? Well, men and women not only experience life differently, but we also process situations and emotions differently. That can make it hard for men and women to communicate and relate to each other. Communicating your feelings and expressing yourself in an honest and open way is critical to achieving success in recovery. Drug rehab for women programs allow women a safe, comfortable environment in which to “lay it all out on the table”.

Rehabilitation programs are designed to help you break free of addiction while gaining the confidence and skills to return to your normal routine. Gender-specific treatment can help you go deeper in your therapy to find the root of your addiction and provide you with tools to recover as quickly and effectively as possible. The sooner you start, the sooner you can heal.

If you or a woman you love is having problems with drug abuse, alcohol dependency or mental illness, drug rehab for women may be the answer. Remember that recovery from addiction and alcohol abuse treatment means learning how to cope with intensely emotional situations, and identifying when you need help and support. Treatment for addiction relapse, counseling and aftercare can help you do this. Please call us today to regain control of your life.  It is never too late to call for help. Destination Hope: The Women’s Program is a full service addiction and women’s health treatment facility in Florida for women who suffer from substance abuse and behavioral health issues.

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