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This is Why Your Parent Needs an Alcohol Treatment Program

An alcohol treatment program is designed to help people from all walks of life recover from an alcohol addiction. But what if that person is your mom or dad? Living with an alcoholic parent is an experience that can shape your life well into adulthood. We’ll take this time to mention that the children of alcoholics – whether they’re adults or not – should certainly consider treatment for themselves as well. Like we said, an alcohol treatment program is for everybody, no matter who you are.

Does Your Parent Need an Alcohol Treatment Program?

There are many reasons why your parent might need an alcohol treatment program, and here are a few.

They can’t limit or stop their drinking

An alcoholic isn’t someone with a weak will. Your parent is not a bad person, they’re sick, and the difference is significant. Addiction means that a person is unable to stop their drinking or even drink in moderation. They may have tried and failed to do so, or they may not even be interested in quitting or cutting down. Often this results in constant drinking, regardless of the time of day or even day of the week. It may lead to intoxication, blackouts, and more.

They’re lying about their drinking habits

 An alcoholic parent is likely to hide their drinking habits, either by concealing them or outright lying about them. They may stash alcohol in odd places, drink alcohol disguised in a coffee mug, or deny drinking even when you know they have been. Again, this doesn’t make them bad, it means that they’re in the throes of addiction. An alcohol treatment program can help them admit to alcoholism and take steps towards healing from it.

Alcohol is affecting their ability to meet responsibilities

Alcoholism can quickly overwhelm someone’s life, even if they appear to be functioning. Addiction makes it hard to keep all of your balls in the air, and your mother or father may find themselves unable to meet all of their responsibilities. This might be showing up late to work, missing lunch dates, or simply not doing what they’ve said they will.

Their mental and physical health are at risk

An alcohol treatment program isn’t just about helping someone quit drinking. It helps them get their life back. Part of that is rescuing their physical and mental health from addiction. People with addictions often suffer from mental health problems as well. Indeed, addiction itself is a behavioral health issue that takes a serious toll on a person’s overall health and wellness.

You love them – and yourself

An alcoholic parent may feel a range of emotions, from guilt to a conviction that they are unlovable. As the child of an alcoholic, you may feel conflicting emotions towards an alcoholic parent, including anger or despair. An alcohol treatment program isn’t just for your parent – it’s for you, too.

If you or someone you love is suffering from the effects of alcohol abuse, substance addiction or any other type of addiction, please call us today.  Our addiction treatment counselors can help you deal with physical, emotional and psychological consequences of drug and alcohol abuse.  A substance abuse treatment program is effective, safe and has helped many men reclaim their lives. Destination Hope is a full service drug, alcohol and dual diagnosis treatment facility in Florida for men suffering from substance abuse and mental health issues.

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