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Healthy Friends vs. Unhealthy Friends

You are who you surround yourself with. Although it may be a clichéd belief, for many, the saying holds true. If you’re in treatment, it is important to surround yourself with positive, healthy relationships that will be a source of support during and after the recovery process. For many people, this may mean avoiding friends […]

The Importance of Honesty in Recovery

Admitting that you are struggling with an addiction or mental health issue is one of the hardest things you will ever do. Once you admit to yourself, it also means that you will need to admit to others that you have these issues and need help to overcome them. Dishonesty is all too common among […]

How Drug Use Affects Oral Health

A smile is often your first impression when meeting new people, interviewing for a job, or even going on a date. For those whose smile has been affected by prolonged drug use, meeting new people or being asked to be in photos can be an uncomfortable situation. One of the first things those in recovery […]

How Can You Tell if Your Casual Drinking is Becoming a Problem?

It is Friday evening and you are on your way to meet friends for a few after-work drinks. The original plan was to stop by a bar and have one or two casual beers as you promised your mother you would have brunch with her the following day. However, when you arrive, everyone’s spirits are […]

Going Back to School After Rehab

If you or a loved one were taken out of school to complete a program at a rehabilitation center, and have recently completed your program or are scheduled to complete it soon, congratulations! It is a huge accomplishment to have made it to this point. Beginning a life in sobriety is difficult, but it can […]

What are the treatment options for addiction?

Addiction treatment options can, at first, seem a bit overwhelming for someone who s seeking help. However, taking that first, crucial step toward a healthier, more balanced life is more straightforward than you might think. The first step for all addicts who want to enter a successful recovery is to acknowledge that they have got a substance dependency problem. Without this first step, a sober, healthy future will be difficult. The next step is to seek help from the many professional addiction treatment centers and support groups in the US and abroad.