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Taboo Topic: Dealing With Alcoholism in Women

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Alcoholism in women can be a tough battle to fight. Unfortunately many women face the stigma that alcoholism is a man’s problem.  What society doesn’t realize is that many women of all ages are battling an alcohol addiction. Alcohol is legal, easy to acquire, and a pitfall for many of us when dealing with struggles in life, no matter our gender. If you are a woman who suffers from alcoholism, remember that you are not alone in this fight. You may feel like you are lost in this habit that you can’t kick. However, it’s possible that you can change your fate and become a woman in recovery, strong and independent of alcohol.

Breaking The Chains Of Alcoholism In Women

Winning the struggle against alcoholism can be a lifelong journey. The road may have many twists and turns, but it can be navigable if you get help. Speak with a women’s treatment center and ask for advice or seek treatment.  If you are in recovery, you might find that there are many nearby support groups where women face their problems together. Seek strength in numbers, celebrate victories, and boost each other up when there are setbacks. Be open and honest with your loved ones and friends. Explain the situation; be clear that you need understanding and assistance in avoiding alcohol or occasions that would make access too easy for you. Slowly you might start seeking other outlets, such as new hobbies, physical fitness, or travel.

Alcoholism In Women Can Be Treated

If support groups are not effective enough, to keep you from relapsing consider counseling. You can join a residential style treatment facility or participate in outpatient therapy. You will likely find a team of caring, competent individuals who have the tools to help you. By talking it out, you may then begin to understand how your struggle began, learn how to break free, and prove that you can be a woman in recovery for the rest of your life.

See also  Do You Need Alcohol Rehab for Women?

Alcoholism in women doesn’t have to define you or control your life. You may need to keep knocking on doors until one finally opens to a bright future. By joining together with others who are experiencing similar challenges, you can find strength.  Instead of keeping quiet about your addiction, you may find that talking about your alcohol abuse problem is cathartic. You might be able to develop the means to avoid further use of alcohol as a solution to your problems. By stripping away the taboos, we as a society may be able to wage a stronger battle against alcoholism in women.

If you or a woman you love is having problems with alcohol withdrawal symptoms, chemical dependency or alcohol problems, a substance abuse treatment program for women may be the answer.  Remember that recovery from addiction and alcohol abuse treatment means learning how to cope with intensely emotional situations, and identifying when you need help and support.  Treatment for addiction relapse, counseling, and aftercare can help you do this, so please call us today.  Destination Hope: The Women’s Program is a full service addiction and women’s health treatment facility in Florida for women who suffer from substance abuse and behavioral health issues.

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