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Rising Cocaine Addiction In Women Linked To Pressures To Be Thin

Cocaine addiction historically has been much more of a male problem than a female problem, but research from the National Institute on Drug Abuse is telling us now that cocaine abuse by young women is on the rise and steadily climbing.

Why Cocaine Addiction Is On The Rise

A primary reason that cocaine abuse is on the rise among women is due to the societal pressures to be thin and beautiful. We are no longer the nation of curvaceous, healthy beauty queens like Marilyn Monroe gracing our movie screens and runways. We are now the society that worships the impossible to obtain size zero body complete with protruding bones and concave stomachs. We say impossible size zero because no amount of balanced exercise and healthy eating will get the average woman to that frame.

It’s estimated that over 95 percent of our current fashion models are grossly underweight. We read stories every day about how our cultural icons engage in extraordinarily unhealthy behavior just to try and shed that last pound. They starve themselves, they exercise until they literally drop and, of course, they abuse cocaine and other illicit substances in their final, dangerous efforts to become and stay thin.

Cocaine is known to suppress the appetite and bring bursts of energy, so many women abuse it in addition to over-exercising and malnourished eating habits in an effort to be ‘thin enough.’ When considering these facts, it’s really no wonder that cocaine abuse among young women is on the rise, and it’s only natural that full-blown cocaine addiction rates follow shortly behind.

The Dangers of Cocaine Addiction

Appetite suppression might make cocaine seem appealing, but it’s important to remember how dangerous the drug really is. Cocaine is a powerfully addictive drug, and abuse leads to addiction quickly. Side effects of cocaine abuse include irritability, restlessness, panic attacks, paranoia, heart attack, stroke, respiratory failure, and seizures. If you or someone you care about is abusing cocaine, you should contact a drug rehabilitation center immediately for help.

Destination Hope is the premier drug, alcohol and dual diagnosis treatment facility in Florida for men and women who suffer from substance abuse issues. If there’s a woman in your life who’s been affected by modern society’s pressures to be thin and has begun abusing drugs as a way to achieve it, please call us sooner rather than later. We are here to help day and night.

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