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Is It Time for Addiction Treatment?

Table of Contents

Addiction treatment can help you take back control of your life and gain greater health and productivity. Whether you have recently begun to abuse substances or you are already  living with an addiction, treatment is the path to help you turn everything around.

Signs of Substance Abuse

  • Drinking or taking drugs in order to self-medicate.
  • Drinking or taking drugs in order to feel funnier, more interesting, more outgoing, etc.
  • Using substances as a way to escape reality and life’s problems.
  • Substance use is negatively impacting your relationships.
  • Substance use has caused you to engage in risky behavior.
  • Your substance use has taken precedence over your responsibilities.

If these signs apply to you and your behavior, please be aware that addiction treatment is also effective for substance abuse.

Signs of Substance Addiction

  • Attempting to use less or stop altogether and being unable to do so.
  • You have a high tolerance for substances.
  • Substance use is the central focus of your life.
  • You do things that are out of character in order to obtain the funds for substances or the substances themselves, such as lying or stealing.
  • You hide or store substances in odd places to have them close at hand, such as your vehicle’s glove compartment or your desk at work.
  • You experience withdrawal symptoms if you do not drink or use substances.
  • You continue to use substances despite experiencing negative consequences.

Addiction Treatment Can Help

Addiction treatment is the answer for clients suffering from substance abuse and addiction. Do not hesitate – the sooner you begin treatment, the sooner you can regain control over your life and enjoy greater health and productivity.

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Addiction treatment consists of psychotherapy, lifestyle counseling, stress management, support group meetings and relapse prevention strategies. Psychotherapy is the main treatment method, effectively allowing clients to uncover the underlying personal causes for their addictions. Treatment consists of individual, group, family and cognitive behavioral therapy sessions (therapy using thoughts to impact behavior).

Lifestyle counseling in addiction treatment will help you to shape your life in such a manner that is to your liking, as well as healthy and supportive for your recovered living. A healthy lifestyle consists of everything from eating and sleeping well to exercising regularly and practicing good personal hygiene. Stress management shares techniques for controlling stress – a major trigger for substance use. Some of these techniques include yoga, meditation and breathing exercises. Support group meetings will be your strong source of support and relapse prevention strategies will be your custom personalized specific plans for avoiding harmful triggers, including places where you used substances in the past and people who have used substances with you.

If you or someone you love is suffering from the effects of alcohol abuse, substance addiction or any other type of addiction, please call us today.  Our addiction treatment counselors can help you deal with physical, emotional and psychological consequences of drug and alcohol abuse.  A substance abuse treatment program is effective, safe and has helped many men reclaim their lives. Destination Hope is a full service drug, alcohol and dual diagnosis treatment facility in Florida for men suffering from substance abuse and mental health issues.

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