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How to Know if Your Substance Abuse Program is Right for You

Table of Contents

A substance abuse program should not only contain effective treatment options to help those with substance abuse issues to become and remain drug free, but should also be specifically designed and tailored to each individual’s issues and needs. A “one size fits all” approach doesn’t work to treat everyone who has a substance abuse problem. When choosing a substance abuse program, a potential client can do research on several facilities to see which one offers the best program to match his or her needs.

Choosing the Best Substance Abuse Program for You

Availability and Accessibility
An effective treatment center has enough space and staff available to treat anyone who is admitted. If a facility is prone to resorting to a waiting list for entry, ask if the facility has a working relationship with other facilities to refer potential clients, and provides a means to get there.

Develop Personalized Programming
Although a substance abuse program may offer solid treatment plans that are important to people who wish to enter recovery, treatment plans should be made on the basis of each individual’s needs, including: gender, age, living arrangements, chosen substance, and severity of the dependence and abuse.

Integrated Services
Substance abuse is often associated with other conditions, especially mental health issues. See if the substance abuse program includes options to treat other conditions at the same time that substance abuse is being treated. Quite often, mental illness and substance abuse occur together, both influencing the other and becoming intertwined. This affects the way substance abuse and the mental health issue should be treated.

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A good substance abuse program may include both group and individual counseling sessions that teach a client how to remain drug-free, as well how to make better lifestyle choices for his or her own situation and living environment. Ideally, counseling might also deal with any mental health issues or medical conditions that the client may be facing. The counselor may work with other professionals to develop a continuity of care for the client.

A qualified aftercare program can be very helpful to someone who has completed a treatment program. Aftercare programs can be designed to meet each client’s specific needs, based on length of time and frequency of contact. The longer someone who is recovering from substance abuse receives treatment, the better the chances of avoiding relapse. The aftercare portion of a substance abuse program could also help develop a support network for the client to turn to for whatever specific help they need.

If you or a woman you love is having problems with alcohol abuse, chemical dependency or substance abuse, a substance abuse treatment program for women may be the answer.  Remember that recovery from addiction and alcohol abuse treatment means learning how to cope with intensely emotional situations, and identifying when you need help and support.  Treatment for addiction relapse, counseling, and aftercare can help you do this, so please call us today.  Destination Hope: The Women’s Program is a full service addiction and women’s health treatment facility in Florida for women who suffer from substance abuse and behavioral health issues.

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