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Horses in an Alcohol Rehab Center? Why Not!

Alcohol rehab center programs sometimes offer less conventional therapeutic methods as a supplement to traditional treatment which can produce beneficial results. One such therapy method is the introduction of horses into alcohol treatment for equine therapy.

The Alcohol Rehab Center & Equine Therapy

Just as a number of pediatric hospitals and geriatric hospital wards bring in cats and dogs to assist medical patients in recovering faster, some alcohol rehab center programs are now introducing horses into their treatment methods. This type of therapy, equine therapy, goes beyond the emotional, health and wellness benefits of being in close proximity to or petting an animal – it serves to help clients recover from addiction. Spending time and interacting with horses at the alcohol rehab center helps clients to get in touch with their emotions, learn core skills, lower their anxiety, improve self-confidence, improve self-esteem and more. This is so effective because horses are so similar to humans socially and with regards to emotional response.

Traditional Alcohol Rehab Center Treatment Methods

Equine therapy is not used as the sole treatment method but rather as a supplement to traditional, tried-and-true treatment processes. The main treatment method for alcohol abuse and addiction is psychotherapy. Psychotherapy allows clients to uncover their underlying, personal causes behind their addictions by way of moments of clarity experienced at different points of treatment (breakthroughs). Clients participate in one-on-one, group, family and cognitive behavioral therapy (therapy utilizing thoughts to impact behaviors) at the alcohol rehab center.

Other alcohol addiction treatment methods typically include attending support group meetings, learning stress management techniques, receiving lifestyle counseling and creating relapse prevention strategies. Clients receive valuable support at support group meetings where they speak about their experiences, hopes and fears among their recovery peers. Stress management techniques allow clients to work on managing stress – a major trigger for substance use. Clients will learn how to use such practices as meditation, exercise and breathing exercises to manage and minimize stress. Lifestyle counseling at the alcohol rehab center allows clients to shape their lives in manners conducive to recovered living. This may encompass anything from embracing and leading a healthy lifestyle to meeting new acquaintances with equally healthy and productive states of mind. Finally, clients create and utilize relapse prevention strategies to maintain strong recovery processes. These strategies consist of specific plans of action for avoiding universal (i.e. stress and boredom) and personal triggers (i.e. friends who abuse alcohol) for substance use.

If you or someone you love is having problems with alcohol abuse, chemical dependency or addiction, recovery from a drug abuse program, like the one at Destination Hope, may be the answer.  Remember that recovery from addiction and alcohol abuse treatment means learning how to cope with intensely emotional situations, and identifying when you need help and support.  Treatment for addiction relapse, counseling, and aftercare can help you do this, so please call us today. Destination Hope is a full-service addiction and health treatment facility in Florida for men and women who suffer from substance abuse and behavioral health issues.

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