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Focus on the Journey, Not the Destination

Rehab programs raise many questions for women considering treatment for addiction. One question on the top of your list very well may be why these types of treatment programs focus on the journey and not the destination. Isn’t the goal to beat addiction? The answer is yes and no: the goal isn’t to beat addiction; it’s learning to live in a constant state of recovery.

In reality, there are a number of reasons why the focus of most rehab programs is on the journey rather than the destination. By appreciating these factors, you can end up with a far better idea of what to expect from a rehab program.

The Journey Through Rehab Programs

Recovery is a Process

One of the most common misconceptions about recovery from substance abuse is that recovery itself is a destination. In fact, recovery is a process, and a never-ending one at that.

Rehab programs educate participants on the fact that through treatment (and a good deal of hard work) you can reach a state of recovery, of which sobriety and abstinence from mind-altering substances is a priority, but not the only goal.

Focus on the Present

Another primary reason why rehab programs direct participants to pay attention to process over destination arises from the fact that sobriety and recovery result, in part, from focusing on the here and now. If you are focused only (or primarily) on the destination, you avoid taking a hard look at the issues underlying your reliance on addictive substances.

12-step programs, which are a part of some but not all rehab programs, follow the principle that you need to focus on today. You accomplish nothing by worrying about the past or consistently planning for the future; without dealing with today you cannot deal with your addiction.

Live Productively

In the end, even a challenging life can be savored. In other words, rehab programs educate their participants that even in adverse times, there are opportunities to be had in the course of any given day. You can accomplish a considerable amount by living productively every day and taking full advantage of the healthy, sound opportunities that arise when you live for the proverbial moment.

By fully involving yourself in life as you live it, you can glean far more out of the experience of living. You also are better able to confront issues, problems, and difficulties in a satisfying and effective manner. Finally, by focusing on the journey, you can end up at your destination a healthier and happier person.

If you or someone you love is having problems with alcohol abuse, chemical dependency or addiction, recovery from a drug abuse program, like the one at Destination Hope, may be the answer.  Remember that recovery from addiction and alcohol abuse treatment means learning how to cope with intensely emotional situations, and identifying when you need help and support.  Treatment for addiction relapse, counseling, and aftercare can help you do this, so please call us today. Destination Hope is a full-service addiction and health treatment facility in Florida for men and women who suffer from substance abuse and behavioral health issues.

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We’re here 24/7 to help you get the care you need to live the life you want. Talk to our recovery specialists today and start treatment immediately.

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