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Drug Rehab Fort Lauderdale Reveals 5 Keys to Sober Living

Drug rehab Fort Lauderdale reveals five keys to sober living. Sobriety is possible and you can do it, but support and strategies can make the difference between recovery and relapse.

Sober Living Tips From Drug Rehab Fort Lauderdale

Curate Your Crowd

Carefully pick and choose the people you decide to let into your life. A bad influence in the form of a person you keep company with can be disastrous when it comes to recovery. People can be strong triggers, so curate your crowd wisely. This may mean cutting off old friendships and developing new ones. It can be painful at first, but pays off in the long term.

Attend Support Group Meetings Regularly

Attend regular support group meetings with drug rehab Fort Lauderdale – you can even go every day if needed. Support group meetings give you the outlet to voice your feelings on your addiction, to get support, and provide support to others. Look into alumni support group meetings as a way to get and give support with the alumni peers of your drug rehabilitation program, who you may already be familiar with.

Plan Ahead

Plan ahead for out-of-town trips, vacations and holidays to always know where the local support group meeting chapters are located. Also have a plan of action for alternative activities for holidays and other special occasions to replace triggers such as holiday parties. Advance planning and preparation gets you in a good place mentally, which allows you to make healthy choices that reflect your recovery plan.

Have a Relapse Prevention Strategy

Drug rehab Fort Lauderdale can help you develop a relapse prevention strategy, which is a strong deterrent to drug use. First go over the potential signs of relapse such as mood swings, secrecy, neglected personal hygiene, or poor eating and sleeping habits with your family and the other members of your support system.

Next, strategize how you will organize your life with healthy, positive activities to steer you away from triggers and the danger zone of potential relapse. Keep this strategy close at hand and update it whenever necessary to include any areas not addressed previously.

Get Healthy

A healthy lifestyle also helps you fight relapse, and is strongly recommended by drug rehab Fort Lauderdale. Take pride in your body with healthy wellness practices such as a workout routine and a healthy diet. The healthy lifestyle is productive, helpful and fun with so many different options for fitness ranging from kickboxing and jogging to weight training and soccer. Getting healthy is also a great way to meet likeminded individuals so you can meet interesting people with healthy and positive interests in life.

Remember that you can stay sober, strong, healthy and productive. Use these sober living tips and your program to remain successful in sobriety!

If you or someone you love is suffering from the effects of alcohol abuse, substance addiction or any other type of addiction, please call us today.  Our addiction treatment counselors can help you deal with physical, emotional and psychological consequences of drug and alcohol abuse.

A drug rehab Fort Lauderdale substance abuse treatment program is effective, safe and has helped many men reclaim their lives. Destination Hope is a full service drug, alcohol and dual diagnosis treatment facility in Florida for men suffering from substance abuse and mental health issues.

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We’re here 24/7 to help you get the care you need to live the life you want. Talk to our recovery specialists today and start treatment immediately.

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