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Drug Rehab for Women Celebrates Alcohol Awareness Month

Drug rehab for women celebrates Alcohol Awareness Month by educating clients about alcohol abuse and addiction and treatment program options.

Drug Rehab for Women: Signs of Alcohol Abuse & Addiction

In honor of Alcohol Awareness Month, let’s discuss some of the potential signs of alcohol abuse and addiction.

  • Drinking alone or in secret.
  • Lying about drinking habits to others.
  • Hiding alcohol in odd places such as a work desk or in the car to always be able to have access to the substance.
  • Alcohol is having a negative impact on your life whether it affects the health, relationships or some other area of life.
  • Not being able to decrease drinking frequency and quantity.
  • Alcohol has become the center focus of your life.

Drug Rehab for Women: Treatment Program Options

There are a number of treatment program options available for clients dealing with alcohol abuse and addiction. Yes, even clients struggling with alcohol abuse may benefit greatly from the assistance of an alcohol treatment program at drug rehab for women.

Inpatient programs mean clients stay 24 hours a day at the rehabilitation center for a specified amount of time in order to be able to relax and focus totally committed to the program and getting better. Outpatient programs are designed differently as clients are able to sleep at home, go to work and otherwise attend to their daily lives.

The main treatment method for alcohol abuse and addiction at drug rehab for women is psychotherapy. Psychotherapy works on uncovering the underlying personal causes for addiction in order for clients to be able to gain deep insights into themselves that can assist them greatly in the recovery process as well as in other areas of their lives. Psychotherapy sessions may include one-on-one, family, group and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Other drug rehab for women treatment methods for alcohol abuse and addiction include stress management, lifestyle counseling, relapse prevention strategies and support group meetings. Stress management and lifestyle counseling serve to help clients design their lives in such a manner that is conducive to health and recovery and minimizes such dangerous triggers as stress and boredom. Relapse prevention strategies offer clients personalized, clear plans for avoiding dangerous triggers for substance use. Support group meetings are a wonderful source for clients to both give and receive support from their peers in a motivating and healthful environment.

If you or a woman you love is having problems with substance abuse, drug abuse, alcohol dependency or addiction, a drug abuse therapy program for women may be the answer.  Remember that recovery from addiction and substance abuse means learning how to cope with intensely emotional situations and identifying when you need help and support. Treatment for addiction relapse, counseling and aftercare can help you do this, so please call us todayDestination Hope: The Women’s Program is a full service addiction and women’s health treatment facility in Florida for women who suffer from substance abuse and behavioral health issues.

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