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Benefits of Drug Rehab for Women

Drug rehab for women is the best treatment option available for women suffering from drug addiction. Women have different causal factors and symptoms from addiction than men; therefore, it only makes sense that the most ideal programs would be specifically designed to address the needs of women. Let’s explore some of the benefits of drug rehab for women.
Drug Rehab for Women: Benefits
Women are shown in studies to do better in a drug rehab for women as opposed to a co-ed program. One reason is because women are more likely to open up and share their feelings in group therapy when men are not present. This increased level of comfort allows women to address their innermost feelings with their peer group and get additional support.

A second benefit to drug rehab for women is that it focuses on issues that are specific to women. Many women that come to treatment are also suffering from trauma, abuse, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, stress, and fear.

Destination Hope understands this and has designed their program to address all of these issues. In addition to their certified addiction clinicians, they have mental health, trauma, and nutrition specialists on staff.

With the right treatment from a drug rehab for women it is possible to live a lifetime in recovery without relapse. In fact, some studies show that women who graduate from a professional treatment program are far less likely than men to suffer from a relapse in the future.
Drug Rehab for Women: Lifestyle
It’s important to remember that getting sober involves a commitment to a lifestyle change. There are many more lifestyle aspects to a woman’s addiction than just the drug use itself. In drug rehab for women, patients learn to replace bad habits with good, healthy ones.

They also delve into the roots of what causes and keeps their addiction going so that they can repair those issues and deal with them in a way that will help them avoid making the same mistakes again. It is also important that addicts learn to repair and maintain healthy relationships so they have a strong and healthy support group to help them through tough times.
Drug Rehab for Women: Aftercare
Addiction is a chronic disease, like Diabetes, and it is important to seek maintenance care following a drug rehab for women. Our primary goal during treatment is to help our clients get sober, discover and address any factors that led to the addiction, repair broken family relationships, and give clients the necessary coping skills and relapse prevention tools to stay sober for the long-term.

All of our clients at Destination Hope receive a comprehensive discharge plan before leaving our treatment program. The discharge plan will vary based on an individual’s need and can include outpatient programming, individual counseling, medication management (if needed) with a psychiatrist, and 12-step community meetings.

People often ask about success rates following treatment, and we can honestly say that clients that complete our treatment program and follow their discharge plan exactly have a 100% success rate.

Destination Hope: The Women’s Program is a premier dual diagnosis substance abuse treatment center that has the highest accreditation from the Joint Commission. To learn more about their programs, please call their counselors.

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