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What Not To Say To Someone In Recovery

When individuals go into treatment, their friends, co-workers and loved ones have a natural desire to make contact and be supportive. However, some questions and comments are not helpful and can, in fact, have a detrimental effect on the process of recovery. Although you may only be asking out of concern and want the individual […]

What to Do When Cravings Hit?

Recovery is a lifelong process – a concept that every addict or substance abuser learns early on in treatment. It is important to understand this concept and know that the work to stay off of alcohol and drugs of abuse never ends. Even those with decades of sobriety can relapse despite their best efforts. Cravings […]

How To End a Relationship With an Addict

Addiction and mental health issues represent one of the single largest collective health problems that we, as a society, have to navigate. Despite the great deal of media coverage and interest in these issues, the epidemic is not abating. Indeed, the problem is only getting worse with a staggering rise in overdoses and overdose deaths […]

Are You Enabling the Addict in Your Life? 

It’s a word that many parents of addicts are deathly afraid of – enabler. And, unfortunately, many family members play the role of enabler in an addict’s life. Typically, this role starts off innocuously and most enablers believe that they are doing their loved one a favor – mitigating the consequences of the addictive behavior. […]

The True Cost of Seeking Addiction Treatment in Florida

Florida is one of the epicenters for drug treatment in the United States. Hundreds upon hundreds of addiction treatment centers have opened, especially, in South Florida in the past several years. With promises of serene walks on the beach, effective treatment and beautiful surroundings, many clients and their families believe that Florida is the ideal […]

Healthy Friends vs. Unhealthy Friends

You are who you surround yourself with. Although it may be a clichéd belief, for many, the saying holds true. If you’re in treatment, it is important to surround yourself with positive, healthy relationships that will be a source of support during and after the recovery process. For many people, this may mean avoiding friends […]

How to Speak to Your Employer about Addiction

If you have recently returned to work after attending a rehabilitation program, or are beginning a new position, it is important that your employer understands the position you are currently in (if you feel comfortable speaking to them about it). Not only will having a discussion with your employer about your addiction help you understand […]

The Importance of Honesty in Recovery

Admitting that you are struggling with an addiction or mental health issue is one of the hardest things you will ever do. Once you admit to yourself, it also means that you will need to admit to others that you have these issues and need help to overcome them. Dishonesty is all too common among […]

How Drug Use Affects Oral Health

A smile is often your first impression when meeting new people, interviewing for a job, or even going on a date. For those whose smile has been affected by prolonged drug use, meeting new people or being asked to be in photos can be an uncomfortable situation. One of the first things those in recovery […]

The Effects of Drug Use on Oral Health

The physical effects of drug usage are commonly thought of as weight loss, thinning hair, or skin care problems. However, one of the most profound effects is dental. At Destination Hope, clients are often eager to get dental care after seeing the damage drugs have done to their teeth. Dr. Ari Socher of Renumi Mobile […]