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Advice on Staying Sober this Holiday Season

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Alcoholism treatment can help break the stifling cycle of addiction, but the holiday season can do quite the number on the recovering alcoholic. Individuals recovering from alcohol addiction know all too well how booze has become a permanent fixture on the holiday party circuit.

So what is the recovering alcoholic to do? The stresses of the holidays can be overwhelming enough on their own between the family gatherings, work functions, travel, gift exchanging, etc, and the ever-present alcohol sure seems to add insult to injury to the person working day in and day out to maintain their sobriety. We here at Destination Hope, a rehab facility in Florida that specializes in alcoholism treatment, would like to share some tips on staying sober this holiday season.

10 Tips to Stay Sober:

  1. Don’t try to handle this on your own. Maintain contact with others who can and will support your sobriety efforts. This can be your sponsor, a counselor or therapist or someone who has a few years of sobriety under their belt.
  2. Stay away from high-risk situations! Avoid parties where alcohol or drugs will be present!
  3. If you absolutely cannot avoid a substance-filled party, remember the basics: show up late, leave early, bring a sober companion, take your own car, always have something in your hand and most importantly, if you feel that your sobriety is in jeopardy, leave!
  4. Another great way to strengthen your alcoholism treatment during the holidays is to plan a clean and sober gathering at your house or a friend’s house.
  5. Be honest. You have nothing to be ashamed of, tell as many people as you can beforehand that you are trying to avoid alcohol at all costs.
  6. Walk away from your trigger. If you can’t do it physically, try to do it mentally at first. Close your eyes, relax your body, focus on your breathing, etc.
  7. Let the mental tape play out in your brain completely of what would happen if you got drunk. Not just the time you are drunk, but the aftermath of it as well. Focus on not making the same mistakes as past years where your drinking ruined holidays for you.
  8.  Remember your alcoholism treatment. If you feel yourself getting lost, go to a meeting!
  9. Make a list of things that help distract you from your triggers and help you relax. Keep your list handy.
  10.  Love yourself. Don’t beat yourself up if things don’t go exactly how you want them to. Cut yourself some slack, remember that recovery is a process and keep your head up!
See also  Effects of Alcohol Abuse on the Skin

Destination Hope provides quality alcoholism treatment for individuals who battle addiction and its many co-occurring diseases. The holidays can be an overwhelming time of the year for all of us, but it’s essential to remember that no party, present or obligation is worth your sobriety.

If there’s any way at all that we can support you or provide some assistance in maintaining your sobriety over the holiday season, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.

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