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Why Choose Alcohol Rehab for Women?

Alcohol rehab for women has been increasing in popularity amongst alcohol rehab programs. According to the Federal Center for Substance Abuse Programs, women are the fastest growing demographic amongst alcohol abusers.

According to their numbers, 2.7 million women are currently abusing drugs or alcohol in the United States. These numbers are particularly astonishing when you consider that that is about one-fourth of the total number of people in the United States abusing drug or alcohol and the number is growing.

The staff at Destination Hope: The Women’s Program understands that the effects of alcohol are different on women and that the treatment is best handled differently and separate so that the women who are in the program to get help have the best and most specific treatment available to them.

Different Needs in Alcohol Rehab for Women

Studies have shown that both alcohol and alcohol addiction affect women differently than they affect men. Alcohol rehab for women specifically considers women’s needs, and is, therefore, the best choice when seeking treatment to recover from alcohol addiction.

It has been found that women are more likely to begin an addiction because of some trauma in their lives. Things such as the death of a loved one, divorce, relationship problems, abuse or any other number of things are far more likely to cause women to drink or use drugs than men.

Alcohol rehab programs for women are more understanding that this is related to the fact that addiction in women tends to carry much more of a psychological aspect both in the causes and in the consequences after the addiction has begun.

Medically, women also suffer the affects of substance abuse more quickly than a man would. Side effects of alcohol abuse such as cirrhosis, heart damage, brain damage, hypertension, anemia, malnutrition and others take less time and smaller amounts of the addictive substance for women to be affected.

There are also health issues associated with substance abuse that are specific to women. Early onset of menopause, infertility, irregular menstrual cycle or even amenorrhea (which is the absence of a menstrual cycle) are all health issues unique to women which can be brought on by alcohol or drug abuse.

Alcohol rehabs for women are able to give specific attention to these facts and treat women for their addiction in a way that is designed to help them in a way best suited.

In the past, alcohol rehab programs that separated women from men were not generally available. Because there were more men than women in these joined programs, women were often made to adapt to a program designed to treat the majority.

With alcohol rehab for women programs, such as Destination Hope: The Women’s Program, women are able to get help overcoming alcohol addiction that is designed for specifically to meet their needs. Even for women who have tried other types of programs and been unsuccessful, alcohol rehabs for women can provide the answers and a goal-oriented program based on the individual needs of each woman.

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