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Alcohol Addiction Facts – Is There a Drug to Cure Alcoholism?

Alcohol addiction facts can help you make the right choices during and after participating in alcohol treatment programs. It’s important for the myths to be dispelled to give you access to the best treatment possible.

One such popular alcohol addiction myth is that there is a drug that has been created to cure alcoholism. There is no cure for alcoholism and there is no drug for alcoholism. With the proper tried-and-true methods for alcohol addiction treatment, such as psychotherapy, clients may achieve recovery.

Is There a Drug to Cure Alcoholism?

The answer is no, there is no drug to cure alcoholism. If you’ve heard of such a ‘cure’, you might be referring to a French drug called Regtect that is already available in some countries such as Japan. This drug is not a cure for alcoholism, but a drug created with the intention of reducing your appetite or cravings for drinking.

When used correctly and to a doctor’s orders, this could be a great product with positive results, but it is in no way is meant to be a cure for alcoholism. It should also not be considered as a replacement for an alcohol treatment program. Instead, drugs such as Regtect should be considered as a supplement to treatment, the way we view methods such as stress management, wellness programs, and lifestyle management tools.

Alcohol Addiction Facts: Reaching Recovery

Millions of people have lived and are living successful lives of recovery due to the effective methods used in an alcohol treatment program. It’s important to be aware of myths and misconceptions as well as alcohol addiction facts. While success in recovery is not guaranteed, sticking to your program and being dedicated and committed to sobriety greatly increases the odds. An alcohol treatment program consists of clients attending treatment programs on inpatient or outpatient bases or both.

The programs often begin with detoxification, which safely removes substances from the body while maintaining close supervision by trained professionals. This helps counteract the potentially hazardous symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.

The rest of therapy is mainly characterized by psychotherapy methods such as one-on-one therapy, group therapy, family therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy in order to find the underlying causes of alcohol addiction and determine the best methods to work against it. The breakthroughs made in therapy are helpful in recovery as well as for life in general, such as managing personal relationships at home.

Overcoming alcoholism takes commitment, focus, and dedication, but it is possible!

If you or someone you love is suffering from the effects of alcohol abuse, substance addiction or any other type of addiction, please call us today.  Our addiction treatment counselors can help you deal with physical, emotional and psychological consequences of drug and alcohol abuse.

A substance abuse treatment program is effective, safe and has helped many men reclaim their lives. Destination Hope is a full service drug, alcohol and dual diagnosis treatment facility in Florida for men suffering from substance abuse and mental health issues.

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