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Alcohol Addiction Facts: Could Justin Bieber Be Struggling With Multiple Addictions?

Alcohol addiction plays a role in the careers of many young celebrities.  Many rising musicians and actors deal with the perils of drugs and alcohol.  Young celebrity pop singer, Justin Bieber, has gotten into trouble with the law once again, this time in Miami Beach.  Although charges are still pending, Bieber has been connected with driving under the influence and abusing alcohol and other drugs.  His abuse of alcohol and his odd and dangerous behaviors and actions seem to point to what could be the singer’s struggle with multiple addictions, not just a problem with alcohol.

Alcohol Addiction Facts: Addictions Can Extend Beyond Drugs and Alcohol

Many people struggling from addiction to alcohol and/or drugs can find themselves dealing with addictions that do not involve substances as well. These addictions can be anything ranging from adrenaline to gambling. This is because addictions to substances are not really about the substances at the end of the day. The addictions exist due to strong, underlying urges for escape and to be fully encompassed in something other than the real lives of those suffering from addiction. This also explains why clients in recovery are urged to mind addictive behavior in other areas of their lives such as extreme sport addictions. Replacing substance use and abuse with another type of addiction is just as unhealthy and a strong indicator for potential relapse.

Could Justin Bieber Struggle with Multiple Addictions?

Alcohol addiction facts show that it is common for individuals who have substance addictions to struggle with other types of addictions as well. From what we’ve learned from the media regarding Justin Bieber’s recent behavior and incidents, we may come to understand that it is very possible that the young celebrity suffers from multiple addictions. He was arrested for drunk driving, driving without a valid driver’s license and resisting arrest due to a street drag racing incident in Miami. It isn’t the singer’s first incident involving alcohol and drugs and the recklessness of his behavior in recent months and alcohol addiction facts combine to show the picture of someone who is probably suffering from addiction to alcohol and drugs. Other actions on his part such as vandalizing hotel properties, and otherwise abusing his power and wealth and having a disregard for authority points to the possibility that Bieber may also suffer from  an addiction to power and wealth.

If you or someone you love is suffering from the effects of alcohol addiction, drug abuse or substance addiction or any other type of addiction, please call us today.  Our addiction treatment counselors at our drug rehab in Florida center can help you deal with physical, emotional and psychological consequences of drug and alcohol abuse.  A substance abuse treatment program is effective, safe and has helped many men reclaim their lives. Destination Hope is a full service drug, alcohol and dual diagnosis treatment facility in Florida for men suffering from substance abuse and mental health issues.

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