Alcohol treatment program clients tend to begin their journeys to entering successful recoveries from substance abuse and addiction with the same first step – admitting they have a problem. Acknowledge that you have an alcohol abuse or addiction problem and recognize that there is help available. Face your problem with alcohol and be willing to utilize the help that is available.
Admitting You Need an Alcohol Treatment Program
The first step to entering a successful recovery process is to admit that you need the assistance of an alcohol treatment program to help you with your alcohol abuse and addiction problem. Once you’ve truly recognized and acknowledged the fact that there is indeed a problem, you have begun the process to work towards recovery.
After acknowledgement comes time to realize that there are effective treatment options available and that you may realize success from taking advantage of these important opportunities. It will require work and commitment, but the rewards can be enormous.
The Alcohol Treatment Program Types
There are different types of alcohol treatment program options available to clients of substance abuse and addiction. These program types are outpatient, partial hospitalization and inpatient treatment programs.
The outpatient alcohol treatment program is the least structured and least intensive program version, so it is typically only recommended for clients of alcohol abuse, clients who have only recently developed addictions to alcohol and other such specific cases. Clients go to the alcohol treatment program at specified days and times each week to participate in treatment but spend the rest of their time at home or otherwise out and about in the outside world. Partial hospitalization clients are at the alcohol treatment program facility for the majority of the day but continue to sleep at home each night.
Inpatient alcohol treatment program clients stay at the facility 24/7 for the entire run of the treatment program length. Clients receive focused and intensive treatment in an environment that is free from most of their sources of stress as well as other triggers that include boredom, negative influences and sources of alcohol. This is usually the most highly recommended treatment option.
The Alcohol Treatment Program Treatment Methods
The main treatment method is psychotherapy, which is practiced in various sessions including family therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. Psychotherapy allows clients to uncover their personal, underlying reasons for their struggles with alcohol abuse and addiction. Other treatment methods including attending support group meetings, using relapse prevention strategies, lifestyle counseling and stress management.
If you or someone you love is suffering from the effects of alcohol abuse, substance addiction or any other type of addiction, please call us today. Our addiction treatment counselors can help you deal with physical, emotional and psychological consequences of drug and alcohol abuse. A substance abuse treatment program is effective, safe and has helped many men reclaim their lives. Destination Hope is a full service drug, alcohol and dual diagnosis treatment facility in Florida for men suffering from substance abuse and mental health issues.