Alcoholism treatment can seem unnecessary to individuals struggling with alcohol abuse and addiction who don’t realize that programs use treatment methods and knowledge that they are not aware of. If you are ready to work towards entering the recovery process, learn what alcoholism treatment knows that you do not and how that can help you achieve results.
1. How Addiction Works
Alcoholism treatment knows there is no cure for addiction yet clients may lead healthy and productive lives by entering stable processes of recovery. Clients who want to maintain strong recoveries from addiction should continue putting in efforts each day even after they have completed alcoholism treatment. The practices in question include attending support group meetings, maintaining the lifestyle changes they made during alcoholism treatment and using relapse prevention strategies every day.
2. Psychotherapy is the Most Effective Treatment Method
Psychotherapy is the main treatment method for alcoholism because it works to help clients uncover their underlying, personal causes for their addictions. Clients gain these insights and moments of clarity (breakthroughs) over time through psychotherapy sessions that include group therapy, family therapy, one-on-one therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on using the thoughts to make an impact on behaviors.
3. What Lifestyle Changes Support Addiction Recovery
Alcoholism treatment knows that undergoing therapy, attending support group meetings and using relapse prevention strategies are not enough to stay in a stable and long-lasting recovery. Lifestyle changes are also important for continued success. A healthy lifestyle is less conducive to alcoholism and so clients are urged to live healthfully by taking part in a number of practices including getting proper sleep and nutrition, exercising regularly, engaging in good personal hygiene and grooming habits and finding sufficient time for rest and relaxation.
Of course each alcoholism treatment client may shape their own healthy lifestyles in the manner of his or her own choosing due to personal preferences and tastes. One client may take up different sports for health and managing stress, another may take up the routes of yoga and meditation and still another may choose a combination of these practices.
Time management and balancing the work and home life is also helpful to a recovery lifestyle in order to maintain effective stress management. Maintaining hobbies or other activities of interest are also important to ward off boredom as stress and boredom are two major triggers for substance use.
Of course one of the most important lifestyle changes is to stop spending time in places of known substance use such as bars and clubs as well as to stop spending time with friends who were abusing alcohol with the client. The various methods of alcoholism treatment each have different reasons behind them and offer different benefits supporting alcoholism recovery.
If you or a woman you love is having problems with drug abuse, alcohol dependency or mental illness, women’s drug rehab may be the answer. Remember that recovery from addiction and alcohol abuse treatment means learning how to cope with intensely emotional situations, and identifying when you need help and support. Treatment for addiction relapse, counseling, and aftercare can help you do this, so please call us today. Destination Hope: The Women’s Program is a full service addiction and women’s health treatment facility in Florida for women who suffer from substance abuse and behavioral health issues.