Eating disorder treatment is not just for women with anorexia. It is reported that almost half of all Americans personally know someone with an eating disorder, a behavioral health disorder that affects about eight million Americans. Although an estimated one in 200 US women struggle with anorexia, nearly three in 100 are living with bulimia. Eating disorder treatment addresses a range of conditions, and can be effective if administered early. Sadly, only one in ten people with eating disorders receive the treatment they need.
Eating Disorder Treatment: Beyond Anorexia
64 percent of women with bulimia are actually at an appropriate weight. However, a woman dealing with bulimia may feel a strong sense of anxiety about gaining weight. This anxiety is manifested by eating too much in one sitting, then inducing vomiting. This condition can be very harmful, with a mortality rate of 3.9 percent. Unfortunately, only six percent of bulimics receive treatment. With eating disorder treatment, women can overcome the challenges of bulimia and can go on to live a healthy life.
Binge eating
Binge eating is characterized by an uncontrollable urge to eat large amounts of food. However, unlike bulimics, binge eaters do not force themselves to vomit after eating. The result is often obesity, which can come with a long list of physical ailments. Eating disorder treatment also focuses on helping binge eaters deal with their compulsions to eat. Thankfully, an estimated 43 percent of people with binge eating disorders do seek treatment.
Even if a person appears to have a healthy relationship with food, she may not have a positive body image. This condition is seen in people who over-exercise and is also known as exercise bulimia. Over-exercisers appear to have an addiction to exercise, pushing through injury and missing events in order to complete a workout. They do not eat enough to compensate for the high number of calories burned, and don’t allow their bodies to get the necessary amount of rest. This is also a type of eating disorder that can benefit from eating disorder treatment.
Negative eating habits
Many people have a very complicated relationship with food. They may eat in spurts, follow fad diets, or maintain a diet that lacks nutritional value. Negative eating habits may be related to emotions, causing people to turn to food when stressed or upset. This is a behavioral and mental health issue, and can be helped through eating disorder treatment. Talking to a counselor can help get to the root of negative eating habits, and working with nutritional experts can teach people how to transition to a healthy lifestyle.
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