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Drug Rehab Treatment Is On The Rise

Women’s drug rehab treatment is on the rise across America. Recent research has proven that many more women are being diagnosed with drug and alcohol problems than ever before. While this might seem alarming, the cause of the increase can be linked to improved awareness and openness about substance abuse in our communities. According to national surveys of doctors’ offices around the country, this increase in diagnosis has also coincided with an increase in drug rehab treatment.

The root of the drug abuse problem appears to be abuse of prescription painkillers. Opioid painkiller abuse is the most startling cause of an increase in drug abuse.  Unfortunately, as more and more medical conditions are treated with prescription painkillers, access and opportunity to abuse these drugs is also on the rise.

While reports of more cases of addiction are alarming, there is hope as well. Drug rehab treatment is increasing steadily, proving that people are getting the help that they need. Rather than struggle alone, individuals facing substance abuse are recognizing the fact that there is a problem, seeking help, and reclaiming control in their lives. Recognizing there is a problem is half the battle and the first step toward victory over substance abuse.

What is Drug Rehab Treatment?

Drug rehab treatment may include medications and talk therapy.  While medications can be helpful in lessening the impact of the symptoms of withdrawal or of co-occurring mental health conditions like anxiety and depression, talk therapy is widely regarded as the best type of therapy for long-term recovery.  Many women who suffer from drug and alcohol problems have underlying mental health concerns or trauma, which needs to be dealt with in order to provide the best opportunity for long term recovery.

Victims of substance abuse often do not recognize that they have a problem.  They may recognize that they are not in control anymore, but may feel powerless to seek drug rehab treatment themselves.  It can be difficult to watch a loved one suffer from substance abuse, but seeking treatment for the individual and the family is important.

The most effective drug rehab treatment is a good program that will teach and encourage a healthy lifestyle while arming the woman with coping mechanisms and healthy alternatives to dangerous behaviors. Swapping one drug for another is not the true answer. It may be a means to an end but is a dangerous road to travel.

Many women struggle with making the choice to commit themselves to their recovery and seek drug rehab treatment.  The path to sobriety is not without challenges, but we believe that each challenge teaches us something new and helps us move forward on the path to recovery.  Recovery from substance abuse is a journey that a woman must commit to following.  Most women find that support throughout their recovery, from the first day to the 40th year, is the most valuable tool in helping them to remain sober.  If you or a woman you love is suffering from substance abuse or mental health problems, please call us today. Destination Hope: The Women’s Program is a full service addiction and women’s health treatment facility in Florida for women who suffer from substance abuse and behavioral health issues.

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